Macbook Booting (HD) problem


I got my macbook yesterday and i was checkin' around the computer--takin' off the battery and lookin' at the rams n etc. then i put it all together and now its not working

here's what happens when i press the power button

1) a flick of white light.

2) the sleep indicator light is consistently on (not like the usual breathing style when its sleepin')

3) nothing is functionable. ( i even tried booting from a cd...)

so what should i do? i did the power reset thingy (take off adapter and battery....), the PRAM reset.... what else should i do?
You said you were looking at the memory. If you ejected one or both of the memory chips, you might not have the memory completely seated now. This WILL cause the symptom as you describe it.
You may need to use increased firm pressure when reseating memory. Try ejecting the memory and reseating it.
Here's what I do: I get the memory seated in its slot, then push quite firmly with a blunt object on each corner of each ram chip. Do this firmly, yet gently (does that make sense?) You may find that the memory takes one more 'push', and then you should find your Macbook will boot.
try once more...
swap the memory chips between the slots, and (again, carefully but with sufficient pressure) seat the chips in place.
If you still don't get a good boot, try known good memory chips.
If you don't get a successful boot with different memory, your Macbook needs service, or have service sort the memory problem out under warranty.
My suggestion is: don't volunteer the information that you have been messing about with the memory and the slots. If you haven't caused visible damage, then you should get a warranty repair.
and hmm, 'cause i'm going to fly off to an other place tomorrow and im gonna stay there for a week--can i get repairs over there too (or must it be from the same store that i purcahsed the lappy from?)
The store doesn't provide the warranty - Apple does...
You can get warranty repairs anywhere in the world. Whether the service center is convenient for you - well, that's another story.
If you only need memory, you should be able to get that taken care of quickly. If your Macbook needs other repairs, then that could take several days. You may want to leave your laptop at home, eh?