Macbook Howls and Crows

Hey now, I never denied having Flappie. I just installed him myself; it wasn't a joke or anything. I like the little guy. ^^

I never denied having him either....
I liked the little guy also, just not when he 'howled' and 'crowed' at me making me jump out of my skin. I'm sorry to say, Flappie has had to go!! I'll stick with my much quieter 'Chi Pet' from now on ;-)


Ha Ha... love your reply Doctor X
That made me smile. Poor Flappie, but I can't be doing with his musical talents at 11pm at night! I'll just sit back quietly and water my Chi Pet :)
Ah,need my volume up for other stuff.Couldn't locate Flappies personal mute switch. So he's now been deleted!

I don't hate Flappie, just the certain habits he had ;-)
I'd like to think i'd deleted him and he still lives on in others Mac's. Just not mine for now! I couldn't find a way to silence him ..... ahhh, my loss I guess. Poor Flappie. However I love my Chi Pet and water him often. Does that redeem me? ;-) lol
Is there anyway I can redeem myself?
How about you give me step by step instructions to silence Flappie and keep his little heart beating on my dock ;-)
As per the FAQ, the howl is a wolf that lives in its world, and the crow is the rooster.

You might be able to make it stop by Control-clicking on the Flappie widget (found at ~/Library/Widgets), choosing Show Package Contents, and, from the resulting Flappie window, removing the Dusk.wav sound from the Sounds folder. Thats it.

MacWorld: Mystery of the Howl

Dammit - now my craving for a Macbook Pro is even worse.
I really actually like the thought of a laptop computer that howls and crows! (I am guessing that the somewhat bizarre appearing Flappie only works on intel processor equipped machines?)
That I do not know, but it appears to my search that the critter has been around for a bit. I would imagine that would mean he is universal. Anyways, they are nice machines.

Mine has this as an error message. . . .

Thanks for that Doc. I'll check it out.

I do like my Macbook Pro. This is my second as the first was called a lemon by apple and they gave me a new one. So it's not without it's problems. My machine was bought right before they changed it to the new design with the black plastic keys. (don't like it)

However, I didn't think it was cool that my Macbook started howling or crowing. It made me jump more than once ;-)