MacBook Pro Crashing...


Hi ya!

Over the past couple of weeks my MacBook Pro has started crashing quite a lot. Most of the time it's when I'm doing general day to day things like using Safari or Mail. Other times it's been when I've been working on something in Logic or Ableton Live 6... To be honest, it's quite random. It also happens a lot when I'm trying to wake the laptop from Sleep. When it crashes I can't do anything but a hard shut down, which I really don't like doing. It seems to be crashing at least once a day, sometimes more.

Also, sometimes when I restart properly, OSX just won't load - it just gets stuck, which then leads to me having to hard shut down.... Again!

I've not had problems like this at all since I bought it this time last year and I just wondered if anyone knew anything I can do before I try a fresh reinstall? I've tried repairing my permissions and clearing my caches but it doesn't seem to have made a difference!

Your help would be much appreciated if you could spare me a few minutes.

Thanks alot!

15" MacBook Pro
OS X 10.4.10
2Gz Intel Core Duo
1GB 667 MHz RAM
Logic 7.2
Ableton Live 6
Safari 3.0.3
Open Console and see what happens when it's crashing (Applications / Utilities) - if can't decipher it, post pieces of logs when it's hanging.

Do you have added RAM?

Do you have at least 15 % of free space on your hard drive?
Thing is, i can't do anything when it crashes so I can't open Console to see whats going on - all I can do is a hard shut down :(

There's no added RAM and I have over 15% of free space on my hard drive. I hope there's a way of fixing this without having to reinstall! lol
Console will save log info until YOU clear it. so if you goto console and view the crash logs, the problem should have reported itself.
I'd clear the PRAM and probably the NVRAM, in that case.

And if Disk Warrior has an Intel version, never be without it.