I have a PB 15" 2.16ghz with 2 gigs of ram. I run Aperture on my machine and always seem to have issues. I originally had 3 gigs of ram installed then apple said that was not a good idea and could be the cause of a lot of my problems. so i went down to 2 1gig chips. I also roll with at least 40 or so gigs of hard drive space available. When i run Aperture the computer really gets slow. I never run many other apps while it is running. Switching from full screen to preview could sometimes take up to 15-20 seconds with a very jerky transition between them. As App starts to really work i notice that other tools stop working, basic computer quick keys stop as well. I installed the Istat pro widget to monitor heat and fans and found that on average my cpu was running at 90 degrees Cel which is 190 F . that doesn't sound right to me.. i have taken the PB into apple numerous times and they dont seem to care about the excessive heat and that things are shutting down. I have had them run numerous tests.. and they say that everything is running properly.. i have heard lots of rumors about too much thermal grease, could that be the problem..What should be the norm and high temp for the cpu. Apple also say that they can not believe what Istat has stated. I asked them for a an apple approved way of testing the heat but they could not tell me one. Any suggestions on what i should do next? any help would be appreciated