MacBook running really slow



I'm the owner of a 13 inch macbook pro, it's about 2 years and some months old at this moment. It's been working flawlessly for the past years, but since Lion was installed it became quite slow. Opening documents takes ages for it to respond (Something that occured since it was new, only a thousand times worse now). It takes about 5 minutes for it to open an excel sheet after I clicked it, it used to be about 15 seconds before the "Loading" screen would pop up.

Youtube also causes the laptop to just stall, it takes anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute for it to start working again. It's not browser related, tried firefox, safari and chrome.

Does anyone have any idea where this could come from? Spyware maybe? Is it a problem that occurs with others aswell?

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

Best regards
No, not Spyware. Have you run Maintenance Scripts prior to loading Lion?
uWith previous OS, using a free program like Onyx about once a month can keep things going. There is also the shareware Cocktail I got a long time ago which they keep up-to-date. That tended to end any slowing down with previous OS.

Now . . . Lion I do not have because:

  • 1. Some of my favorite Apps are not Lion-Ready yet.
    2. I have heard rumors that Macbooks like mine--and yours--run really frelling slow!

So that may be the problem . . . we have old machines :(. However, if you have never run such scripts, you might as well try using Onxy--there is a Lion version available--and see if that helps!

I always recommend that you clone your Int-HD. I do not know if Lion allows a "bootable" clone--see my "How to Thread" on "My Data is GONE!" about why you do that. Basically, if running such scripts somehow screws things up, you can simply go back.

Others with Lion may have other suggestions.

Lion likes lots of RAM.
If you have the minimum of 2GB in your MacBook, you should consider at least doubling that.