MacBook, VoIP and Bluetooth Headst


I am configuring a new MacBook 2.0 GhZ/1 GB/100GB running 10.4.6 that I am migrating to from an old Toshiba Tecra 8200 Windoz laptop.

One of the apps being migrated is support for a Corporate VoIP/SIP server (Pingtel server if interested) that I access via VPN and soft client. The soft client is a Counterpath Eyebeam which I have been running on the 8200 for over a year. I recently installed the Eyebeam for Mac on the MacBook and have started testing it for stability and useablity. (check out their built in video in the client that uses the iSight camera - works great!!)

I have also been testing the use of an I/O Gear GEB 211 Bluetooth headset with my new MacBook (I had one available) and confirmed that their documentation stating that this heasdet will not support VoIP applications on Mac OS X was accurate.

I am interested in knowing if anyone has found a Bluetooth headset that they have successfully used with VoIP communications off any intel based Mac? A match to my config would be great, but expect that anyone using a headset with Skype, or other similar services, would have experience that could be relevant

Any feedback greatly appreciated - thanks


I am unable to use either a Motorola H700 or HS810 headset with my macbook pro. I have read that there may be compatibility issues with Motorola's bluetooth chip, but this is not from an official source.

I have no problems using either headset with my phones or winxp I have to believe it is an issue with the mac os/bluetooth chip.
I have been able to get the Plantronics Voyager 510 (I think) working with Skype, iChat, and the Gizmo project. It also works with MS Word when recording in Word Notebook View. Some of the Motorola ones do work, it's the 510 I think. I will look into it and post here again if it helps ya
Thanks for the post. Any feedback is helpful at this point as it appears that not a lot has been discovered or posted here or elsewhere regarding this issue.

I am still unable to get the I/O Gear Headset to work with the MacBook and my Pingtel VoIP server. I will be testing it on Skype this week and see if I get any different results.


I'll try my Sony Ericsson HBH-660 with my MacBook tomorrow. _Basically_, the Mac should simply recognise it as as a sound in- and output device, ne? Is that what it _doesn't_ do for you?
I use the Plantronics Explorer™ 320 Bluetooth® Headset with my cell phone and it also works with my G5 with no problem connecting. However using it makes me sound (in recordings and what everyone tells me) like I am on a speaker phone. So if you plan to use it for a Skype VOIP , no Bluetooth® headset will sound great. IMHO you will sound so much better using a USB headset. If you don't believe me, download a sound recording application and try a comparison of Bluetooth® to USB.
Problem that I have been experiencing is loss of pairing with the I/O Gear headset and when pairing has been stable for any amount of time and I can test, the I/O Gear headset mic will not transmit, even after being seen and set up correctly in the Counterpath application's tuning wizard.

This same headset works perfectly with a Verizon Treo 650 so I know that the device does work correctly.

Using the wizard is your problem. When you pair using Bluetooth®, use the Sound System Preference pane to select the headset for the sound input-output while using it.
I just got a Motorola H700 bluetooth headset, and I, too cannot pair it with my new Macbook 1.83 GHz (OS X 10.4.7).

Running the "Bluetooth Setup Assistant", choosing "Headset", and then setting the headset up for pairing (holding the call button till the purple light goes on, and then opening up the mic boom)... the program recognizes the "Motorola H700", but then continuing from there, it stalls on "Gathering information about your device" with a spinning "waiting" icon indicator (like the one on the grey screen when you boot the computer).

I've looked on the web for help with this config but have found nothing. Does anyone have any solutions??


I have a Nokia HS-26W that is not even "discovered" by my macbook (OS X 10.4.8) but works fine with my phone

Any workaround available? or those little apps mac pro's write for regular people like me?

