PowerBook G4 400MHz
512MB RAM (Virtual Memory Off)
Airport Installed
Software OS MacOS 10.0.3
Running apps in MacOS X feels like there are running slower than apps running in MacOS 9. When I boot up in MacOS 9.1, the OS and apps run very fast, taking next to no time to launch. In MacOS X, boot time is slower, apps take longer to launch, MacOS 9.1 Classic environment takes ages to load.
In my opinion, Apple needs to make MacOS X run faster. It's alright having "the most advanced operating system in the world", but if it's going to take ages to do something, then forget it, I rather go back to MacOS 9.1, or even macOS 8.6!
PowerBook G4 400MHz
512MB RAM (Virtual Memory Off)
Airport Installed
Software OS MacOS 10.0.3
Running apps in MacOS X feels like there are running slower than apps running in MacOS 9. When I boot up in MacOS 9.1, the OS and apps run very fast, taking next to no time to launch. In MacOS X, boot time is slower, apps take longer to launch, MacOS 9.1 Classic environment takes ages to load.
In my opinion, Apple needs to make MacOS X run faster. It's alright having "the most advanced operating system in the world", but if it's going to take ages to do something, then forget it, I rather go back to MacOS 9.1, or even macOS 8.6!