I joined after I bought my first PowerBook (new 15" G4). It was my first Mac since my old Performa 6200CD (don't know if that's the right model number anymore) and my LCII before that (my first computer... those things were so cool compared to a 386 PC!).
I got myself involved in a crappy job that I had to buy my own computer to do (I later quit the job right before Christmas). I told myself I wasn't buying another PC because just that summer I had bought a nice new Gateway 15" latop with the Centino and wireless. Well, it was a very nice latop, except for one thing... the native resolution was 1400x1040... was too high for a 15" display for my eyes to read the text. Turning the res down wasn't an option because LCDs suck when you don't run at the native res. Returned it and paid my restocking fee feeling stupid. I didn't even need it, just spent my grad money on it because I wanted one. Well, I still wanted one

so I went looking for a Dell because they had the lower res screens and actually better performace for the same price, but I couldn't try one out so I just decided to save my money since I was having trouble finding a programming job after college.
Well, so I got this web dev job (turned out to be nothing close to what I interviewed for) but needed a real computer to do any work on... they had one that was very crappy (and it was in a place that was poor working conditions). So just that week a new Apple store opened up nearby and I talked myself into a PowerBook after seeing that it had everything I wanted and OS X fonts were so easy to read even at high res. I always followed Apple even after I bought my PC in '98, especially OS X and their new servers appealed to me. Well, of course, after I bought the computer it occured to me that everything has changed and I had no software (all my old software that I kept was no good anymore), no idea how to use anything in OS X, etc. So I found the best Mac forum I could find to figure out how to do what I needed to do.
That's how I got here.