bbloke Registered Jan 25, 2008 #15,427 Blue Planet (Have others seen the commercial for it, complete with amusing parrot? )
CaribbeanOS-X Tropics Tech Jan 25, 2008 #15,428 Nature (at its best) BBLOKE... that's funny. Here is the BluePlanet Clip with Parrot (18+ viewer discretion advised - language) Last edited: Jan 26, 2008
Nature (at its best) BBLOKE... that's funny. Here is the BluePlanet Clip with Parrot (18+ viewer discretion advised - language)
bbloke Registered Jan 25, 2008 #15,429 natural (Hehehe, glad you liked the clip. I was a bit wary of providing the link in case anyone took offense.)
natural (Hehehe, glad you liked the clip. I was a bit wary of providing the link in case anyone took offense.)
CaribbeanOS-X Tropics Tech Jan 26, 2008 #15,431 Humans (It's a parrot talking... all in good English humor! I'll take it down if i hear one complaint.)
Humans (It's a parrot talking... all in good English humor! I'll take it down if i hear one complaint.)
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jan 26, 2008 #15,433 Nothing (And yes, that was quite hilarious. Maybe that's the before scene of the infamous "dead parrot" that we know of in a certain Pythonic sense...)
Nothing (And yes, that was quite hilarious. Maybe that's the before scene of the infamous "dead parrot" that we know of in a certain Pythonic sense...)