AdmiralAK Simply Daemonic Jun 6, 2002 #1,445 teh ShaqPack (whatever happened to those nice jalapeno poppers that BK had??? the god rid of the taty spicy stuff and kept the bland mozarela sticks )
teh ShaqPack (whatever happened to those nice jalapeno poppers that BK had??? the god rid of the taty spicy stuff and kept the bland mozarela sticks )
satanicpoptart X Jun 6, 2002 #1,454 xes (in ancient greak that means 666) or you could read it as sex backwards...
JohnnyV Registered Jun 6, 2002 #1,459 Several came to mind....pick you favorite Fake boobs/s|ut/wh0re/can't sing/lair (can you tell I don't like her that much? )
Several came to mind....pick you favorite Fake boobs/s|ut/wh0re/can't sing/lair (can you tell I don't like her that much? )