Hello Everyone, I need some help with my PowerMac G5. I have a DP 1.8ghz with all the standard features. My PowerMac used to run fine but lately it seems since Tiger has been around and the updates for it my system has become very unstable. It keeps giving me the screen saying your computer needs to restart and to hold down the power button or it gives me a kernel panic which goes along the lines of this -
Sat Aug 20 03:26:17 2005
Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access DAR=0x000000000000004C PC=0x000000000003C734
Latest crash info for cpu 0:
Exception state (sv=0x1DC7EA00)
PC=0x0003C734; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x0000004C; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0003C734; R1=0x08273DC0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x00000008 0x0003C734 0x000A9654
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x1DC7EA00)
previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
Exception state (sv=0x1D309780)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0: Sat Mar 26 14:15:22 PST 2005; root:xnu-792.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xFFFF0003): 0x300 - Data access
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x00095564 0x00095A7C 0x00026838 0x000A8184 0x000AB880
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x1DC7EA00)
PC=0x0003C734; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x0000004C; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0003C734; R1=0x08273DC0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x00000008 0x0003C734 0x000A9654
Exception state (sv=0x1D309780)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0: Sat Mar 26 14:15:22 PST 2005; root:xnu-792.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
I keep getting these errors, I have just reinstalled a fresh copy of MacOSX Tiger trying to resolve this issue but I think once I got the updates it started occuring again. I have tried unplugging my devices, updating drivers and changing my internet settings around but nothing seems to work. I get them randomly, sometimes the Mac is fine for hours but sometimes in the space of 10 minutes I get 3-4 crashes, it seems like it happens more often when I am surfing. I think it has never happened when I am video editing and using my work programs like Final Cut Pro 5, Motion 2, LiveType etc... I have tried Firefox, Internet explorer and they all give me the same results, seems like if I go to certain webpages it crashes without a doubt and I know which ones they are. Can someone please help me... ?
Sat Aug 20 03:26:17 2005
Unresolved kernel trap(cpu 0): 0x300 - Data access DAR=0x000000000000004C PC=0x000000000003C734
Latest crash info for cpu 0:
Exception state (sv=0x1DC7EA00)
PC=0x0003C734; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x0000004C; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0003C734; R1=0x08273DC0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x00000008 0x0003C734 0x000A9654
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x1DC7EA00)
previously dumped as "Latest" state. skipping...
Exception state (sv=0x1D309780)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0: Sat Mar 26 14:15:22 PST 2005; root:xnu-792.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xFFFF0003): 0x300 - Data access
Latest stack backtrace for cpu 0:
0x00095564 0x00095A7C 0x00026838 0x000A8184 0x000AB880
Proceeding back via exception chain:
Exception state (sv=0x1DC7EA00)
PC=0x0003C734; MSR=0x00009030; DAR=0x0000004C; DSISR=0x40000000; LR=0x0003C734; R1=0x08273DC0; XCP=0x0000000C (0x300 - Data access)
0x00000008 0x0003C734 0x000A9654
Exception state (sv=0x1D309780)
PC=0x00000000; MSR=0x0000D030; DAR=0x00000000; DSISR=0x00000000; LR=0x00000000; R1=0x00000000; XCP=0x00000000 (Unknown)
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0: Sat Mar 26 14:15:22 PST 2005; root:xnu-792.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
I keep getting these errors, I have just reinstalled a fresh copy of MacOSX Tiger trying to resolve this issue but I think once I got the updates it started occuring again. I have tried unplugging my devices, updating drivers and changing my internet settings around but nothing seems to work. I get them randomly, sometimes the Mac is fine for hours but sometimes in the space of 10 minutes I get 3-4 crashes, it seems like it happens more often when I am surfing. I think it has never happened when I am video editing and using my work programs like Final Cut Pro 5, Motion 2, LiveType etc... I have tried Firefox, Internet explorer and they all give me the same results, seems like if I go to certain webpages it crashes without a doubt and I know which ones they are. Can someone please help me... ?