AMD chips have indeed resided inside Apple computers at one time or another. Yesterday a very old PowerMac (tower configeration) was put in the junk pile in the chemistry department. I went scavenging inside for memory, hard drives, etc...only find that it was raided by the previous owners. Inside was an IBM stamped PowerPC 601 soldered to the motherboard. Right next to it was a very large AMD chip of unknown function. Intel also makes smaller chips that are inside my PowerBook 520c. I have not found any chips to date with AMD or Intel in my B&W PowerMac G3. Apple may be using another supplier or the functions of those chips are not required anymore.
AMD chips have indeed resided inside Apple computers at one time or another. Yesterday a very old PowerMac (tower configeration) was put in the junk pile in the chemistry department. I went scavenging inside for memory, hard drives, etc...only find that it was raided by the previous owners. Inside was an IBM stamped PowerPC 601 soldered to the motherboard. Right next to it was a very large AMD chip of unknown function. Intel also makes smaller chips that are inside my PowerBook 520c. I have not found any chips to date with AMD or Intel in my B&W PowerMac G3. Apple may be using another supplier or the functions of those chips are not required anymore.