MacWorld Tokyo


cocoa love
Does anyone know when MacWorld Tokyo will be going on? Anybody now the streaming site we can see it at? I read some rumors that Apple will announce a 2-button Pro-Mouse in anniversary for the 12 Month release of Mac OS X.

Hey they released the "digital music revolution iMacs" last MacWorld Tokyo...
Awesome. I think they will have to do somthing for the Mac OS X anniversary. I think im going to have a party for it myself. Are you sure it is tonight dlookus?
Well, it's at 9:30 Thursday morning in Tokyo, which I believe is 8:30 p.m. tonight here on the east coast.
I could be wrong about the time difference.
Looking at the Time Zones in the Date and Time preference panel, it looks like their 12 hours off not 11, so it might be 7:30 not 8:30. I don't know how daylight savings plays into that. At any rate it's tonight.:)
Really, Apple has already said "no new hardware at MWTokyo", so I wouldn't expect to see any new Macs. Maybe a storage bumped iPod, (10GB, 20GB versions), but really, that will probably be it.

Jobs will probably recap all the hardware that's out now, show off the new iMac, explain why there have been shipping delays, maybe show OS X 10.2, announce a release date for it (summer 2002?), and maybe, just maybe, we'll see some updates to the "i" line. iMovie and iTunes are both ripe for upgrades/updates.
I don't have he money for a new machine anyway.
But, I again have to clarify that apple said "no new CPUs" not "no new hardware."
I'm interested in what 10.2 has to offer. Hopefully they'll have something to show.
Originally posted by whitesaint
Awesome. I think they will have to do somthing for the Mac OS X anniversary. I think im going to have a party for it myself. Are you sure it is tonight dlookus?

Why are you so happy??? :confused:

I dont think that that we will see more than sushi! :o :( :( :(
I know there was the issue of fees, but does anyone think there is a possiblity of seeing Quicktime 6? Or is that not the kind of thing that happens at macworld, but rather at the next quicktime show? Also, would also love to see DVD studio pro for X.

Maybe these are just pipe dreams. (if they are perhaps I should let my imagination go a bit further afield)

The Macworld Tokyo keynote is actually at 7:30 PM EST. That means 4:30 PST.

There's an easy way to figure this out, daylight savings time or not. First, go to the "Date & Time" preference pane in System Preferences. Now, if you haven't already, activate your menu bar clock by clicking on the "Menu Bar Clock" tab and checking "Show clock in menu bar" (you might want to make it digital for easier reading). Now go the "Time Zone" tab. See how it's graphical? Just click on the map where Japan is (incidentally the whole island of Japan is in one time zone, surprise surprise, so you don't have to worry about exactly where Tokyo is), and your menu bar clock will instantly change to the time in that time zone. Since we all know that the keynote is Thursday at 9:30 AM, you can see exactly how long until the keynote. Then just click back in your time zone, and add the number of hours to YOUR time. That's when the keynote starts in your time.

This just goes to show that "Everything is Easier on a Mac". :D
I'm sorry if this has been asked, but is the keynote going to be played over QuickTime and if so, where? I don't want to go down to the Apple Store to watch if there's not going to be anything big comming out. :p
This is Apples official page. I don't believe it will be streamed.
No one seems to know what they're going to announce. I don't think it will be anything huge, but you just never know.

If you haven't seen it already Wired has an article about it here.
Finally a MacWorld show without too much hype. Now they can release .dot upgrades for iMovie, iPhoto and iTunes and we'll be happy!

The anniversary for Mac OS X is certainly something to talk about for Steve Jobs. The past quarter of the year has shown many *big* new applications, including Macromedia & Adobe apps. While some may say it's LATE for them to arrive, Steve will certainly point out THAT they've arrived. This is big news for many users still on OS 9. I know that Photoshop still has to arrive, but it's so near that Steve can say it's there already.

No new CPUs. Okay. A TiBook with a better graphics card isn't a new CPU, is it? Also price cuts might be a possibility. More RAM, bigger harddrives - they all don't count as new CPUs. Even adding a Dual 933 MHz to the list of G4s could make it.

But what *I* would like to see would be better build-to-order options. Like for example something like this:

- G4 case
- Processor(s): (2 x 933 MHz)
- Optical Drive: (DVD/CDRW Combo)
- Graphics Card: (GeForce4 MX)
- RAM: (none)
- Harddrives: (none)
- Accessories: (none)
- OS: (Mac OS X only)
- Software Bundle: (none)

All this for only: 1'599.00$

This would enable users to buy the RAM and harddrives (and other options) where they're cheapest. This may not entirely be in the interest of Apple as they make money on those parts, too, but many people buy their machines as empty as possible already because they know that they can get parts cheaper elsewhere.
By the way...There will be a dvd studio pro OSX announcement sometime very soon if not tonight during the keynote. How do I know? Well, lets just say mmm. Carracho? And its pretty nice looking too. Ahh what the heck, here are some screen shots for you kiddies , hehe


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Yeah Fryke.
I hadn't even realized this was the end of the so called "transition to OSX." With that in mind, I imagine almost the whole expo will be about OSX. Like you said, maybe a price cut here and there, though.

I don't think apple will change their BTO strategy too much. They've gotten much more annoying about it in the past several months. I hate how they have tiers that don't allow you to take some of the aspects of the machine below a certain point. You really can't take a top end machine down to the bare minimum anymore. Really really obnoxious. I think it's aboiut as likely as themes in OSX.