3.6 corruption


Hello, I have an unusual problem.

This morning, displayed (in the sidebar) that there were 6 unread messages. Clicking on the inbox, only one of those messages showed in the message list. I tried to reply to it, but it wouldn't send through the SMTP server.

That being the case, I decided to rebuild the inbox, as I have to do occasionally. After it completed, none of the messages, including the one I tried replying to, displayed. So I restarted the application.

Afterward, the message had sent (it disappeared from the outbox) but was not in the sent box. I went to Gmail (POP through Gmail) and indeed all the messages that I could not find, including the sent one, were on the email server.

But here's something more unusual - the message I had sent had a subject line of a completely unrelated message thread. This has also happened several times.

Another thing of interest - sometimes old messages get re-sent and people wonder why I am replying to old threads. Usually, the mailbox gets corrupted and needs to re-import everything.

I know this is probably a lot to digest, but I am having troubles finding a fix for!
Write down the email server settings because they will be blown away without loosing any saved email. Quit Mail then go to the folder /YourHardDrive/Users/YouUserName/Library/Preferences/ and take the file and drag it to you trash can. Then launch Mail again and put back in your email server settings.

This should fix your problem.