Mail automatically starting USB Modem


I am trying to help someone with a new iMac 2.66 Ghz access there email using Mail. They connect to their ISP using a USB Modem (I know they should have Broadband). What I would like it to do is when you open Mail, is it possible for Mail to start the connection to their ISP rather than having to start the connection before opening Mail. Hope that makes sense
Yes. It depends if you want to make an Automator (/Applications/Automator) or an AppleScript (/Applications/AppleScript/Script Editor) if you want to get your geek on.

Here is an an Automator site you can get an idea about using it.

Maybe you could make a simple AppleScript (using Script Editor's record function) launching the dial up routine AND also starting up mail (or vise versa) and save it as an application call it "Automatic email getter with dial up" or something along that line. This way the user and just launch the one appleScript application that will launch the modem connection first then immediately launch the email program upon successful connection.

Just don't ask me to write it because I have no idea about their setup (modem connection setup).
Thank you for the information. I had not thought of going down that route. So I will have to do some readfing up.

Thanks again
