Mail: Export/Convert Previous Recipients to Text?


Does anyone know how to do this?

I know I can add the Previous Recipients to my Address Book, but I'd really love to get them into a text file the way it's listed, specifically in this case because of the Last Used date column.

I found one post on the Apple forums with a way to do it via Terminal, but the steps weren't clear and I wasn't able to do it (I'm a complete dummy when it comes to Terminal and scripts and the like :confused:).

Thanks in advance for any insight :)
If you are running 10.5.x then it is really simple. Launch Mail then go to Mail's menu item 'Window' and select "Previous Receipts". When "Previous Receipts" opens in a popup there is a button on the bottom to add a highlighted address to be added to Address Book. Just hold the shift button to highlight more then one item.
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