Mail fonts: Arial Bold is the new Times new roman


Anyone have an idea on what's up with this?
In Mail. Compose new message. Fonts.
When I choose ARIAL and BOLD? I get TIMES NEW ROMAN
Any idea as to how to change this? I've spent about 2 hrs of my life I won't get back so far. Have no idea where to look. Or why it does this.
New message
I get Times new roman.
Not even bold.
Simple to correct, right?

Oh. By the way. In my font book. Arial bold is arial bold.
Arial bold works everywhere else but Mail.
If I'm in Word and I choose Arial, bold, hey, it's arial bold.
But, in mail. Arial bold is Times new roman regular.
Have you cleared you font cache yet? The maintenance application Yasu will clear font cache and do other maintenance routines. This may help.
Yes I have. I can run again though. I use a maintenance program that is similar to YASU that supposedly "clears font cache."
Ran the clean font cache. The BOLD ITALIC is the only one left that changes to times roman. In FONTBOOK everything looks fine. Any idea as to where MAIL gets the fonts? I figured it was FONTBOOK? Wrong? Hmmmmm.....
PLayed around in font book. Erased some duplicates, moved some fonts to the USERS and COMPUTER from the ALL FONTS. Erased some dups of Times Roman and checked the validate fonts etc. I seem to have BOLD ITALiC back. So, the problem apparently was in the font book though everything appeared to be okay, by erasing and disabling duplicates the problem apparently is resolved. So, there you go.
Hi everybody,

I have another problem. I've set up in native mail app message font to be Tahoma, size 11. Problem is that in RTF format of the new message, recipients using MS Outlook on PC receiving always Times New Roman which is replacing Tahoma. In case of Plain text message format same situation + losing of course of hyper links... Any suugestion?
Well, Plain Text Format will _not_ retain any formatting, so the font definition is not only lost, it's not even *set* in the first place. RTF theoretically should work across platforms as long as the font is available on the receiving machine. Can you test with other attributes like italic, bold, font size?
Thanx for reaction Strange - I've tried Arial regular, bold, italic and bold italic and Tahoma regular. RTF format. Just Tahoma was replaced on PC in MS Outlook 2003 by Times New Roman. Thoma font present on recipient's PC.
... I've found out what's going on there. In case I will set up any font as a default one in Maill app, this font is always being replaced by Times New Roman. When changing the font during typing from default one to others, PC recipients are receiving changed fonts properly, but the default one is replaced by Times New Roman. Any idea what might be wrong? Thanx for advice.
I have finally found out where's the problem. Any font which I'm setting up as default Message font in Mail app. is going to be replaced by Times New Roman on PC in MS Outlook. Tested on many PCs. When changing the font during typing the message (by clicking on Font button in New message window) everything's OK on recipients PCs, it means that changed fonts are OK, but default font, doesn't matter which on is set up, is going to be replaced by Times New Roman always! In my opinion bug is at macbook site (10.5.4.). Please help
I have set up RTF format in Mail app (there are just 2 options in Mail-Preferences - Rich text or Plain text ...
Don't recall what I did to fix (it's been awhile), but I 'fixed' it. I think all I did was find Times Roman, move it out of the Fonts Folder, deactivate the Times Roman font, then choose "add," drag it back into the Fonts Folder...that did it. No more substitution. I may have even just simply deactivated, rebooted, than activated.
Thanx, from whch directory I should to remove this font? System->Library->Fonts or Library->Fonts? Thanx for the advice. Have a nice evening.
I gave up, after disabling, removing, cleaning of Font cashe (yasu), a lots of restarts ... Always font set up in Mail app as message font, is going to be replaced by Times. When setting Times as message font it's appearing as TImes on recipients PCs. I really do not know what to do. Yea, there is a solutio to set up Plain text format, but I prefere to solve this BUG. Any idea?
Haven't a clue. You wouldn't believe what I had to do recently with iPHOTO!!!!! to get it to work again. Just disappeared. Stopped working. Under "fonts and colors" in your Mail Preferences, what do you have set for the Mailbox Font? The Message List Font? and the Message Font? is "use fixed...." unchecked?