Mailbox Drawer on Right Side of mail app

Tiger doesn't use drawers anymore and instead uses the pane on the left. There's no way to change it.
Damn. I was used to having it on the right. There must be hidden pref _somewhere_ ...
As much as I'd like to be able to customize the placement of the mailbox sidebar, I just don't think it can be done. It's no longer a "drawer," meaning that it can't be moved from side-to-side -- it's now a part of the main window.

As for a hidden preference, I think we'd have as much luck looking for a hidden preference in iTunes to move the play/ff/rw buttons.
It was particularly stupid of Apple to remove the drawer -- one of the coolest ideas in OS X -- from their own mail app. Clearly a case of a catastrophic improvement.
The new is getting a general grilling for its horribly un-Apple aesthetics (read the article on Tiger).
Hmm, I happen to like the mailboxes on the left, so I don't have a problem with that.

I set up the drawer so it was open on the left in previous versions (wasn't hard to do, you just needed to move the mail window far enough to the right that it didn't have enough room to open the drawer on that side and it would open it on the other side).
Just put the mailboxes icon on the toolbar, just click it and hide the sidebar. Might not bother you so much then. :)
I also prefer my mailboxes on the left, so this change doesn't bother me. However - does this signal an intention to eventually drop drawers (giggle) from the OS X gui entirely?
I prefer mine on the left as well. On a side note, the drawer was ugly as sin in Mail 1. My opinion of course.
I don't think this a sign that Apple's moving away from drawers. Rather, I think it's a sign that Apple is thinking more about how they should and shouldn't be used. It never made really good sense to use a drawer for your mailboxes to begin with. Drawers exist to house items that the user is likely NOT to want available, so they can easily hide and show them. Does anyone hide their mailboxes? I seriously doubt it.

Also, the change from right to left makes sense, because it keeps it in tune with all of Apple's other products; iTunes, the Finder, Safari (managing bookmarks), and iCal all use the left-to-right style. The container is on the left, the contents of that container on the right. It just makes sense.

That said, I find the Mail's new look absoulutely horrendous for a variety of reasons, and I'm having trouble adjusting the left-aligned mailbox list, too. I'll get used to my mailboxes at the left (and, like I said, I think it's better that way, all things considered), but I'll never get used to its overall look & feel. I think Apple dropped the ball on this one.
Hmm... I'm not quite understanding what's so "different" from the old Mail's interface and the new one.

Sure, the mailboxes are on the left in an unmovable section of the interface, but apart from that, it's still pretty much the same: buttons at the top, headers directly below and the message itself in the pane below that. Search in the upper-right. Unread count in the title. Hell, the mailboxes themselves have the same functionality: disclosure arrow to reveal sub-accounts, etc.

What's so different about the new Mail besides the loss of the drawer?
I think a lot of people bought in to the feeling that the buttons suck. I read in more than one place where people were throwing fits because the buttons don't give clue to their operation by shape. The old ones did.

Personally, I don't particularly like the buttons because they look so foreign to everything else in os x. But past that I think the look is much cleaner.
Hmmm... sounds like people have a few "nit-picky" (for lack of a better word) qualms with Mail 2. I was under the impression that the issues people had with Mail 2 were major issues concerning functionality or some other drastic change that made working with Mail 2 a pain.

I still don't see much difference apart from a few minor UI changes (and those changes are purely aesthetic) that sets Mail 2 apart from the last iteration of Mail. It's much quicker at checking my accounts, and I never liked the drawer for mailboxes much.

I'm on the "this is a definite improvement" boat when it comes to Mail 2.
So the positive about Mail (according to that article): no more sidebar/drawer!

The negative: The buttons and colors.

Is that it? ;)