Major Mac problems


I am having some major issues with my OS X & I would appreciate help so much.

I have turned it on a few days ago and noticed that everything on my desktop has been cluttered into one part and nothing is clickable at all. When I click the desktop it just gives me the little pixal square you can draw on with the mouse. I have used Spotlight to search for these individual folders yet nothing opens up and it's not clickable. On top of all that, Finder will not open up a New Folder or a Smart Folder.

So essentially nothing opens up except for on my dock. I have tried a new username and am able to open up Spotlight but once again, I am unable to open up any folder within it.

When I open up Safari on the dock, it closes up immediately. I can open Firefox though it's very slow and most of the time anything I open up will give me the pinwheel.

Anyways, this is happening on a:

Mac OSX Tiger 10.4.11
2GHz Intel Core Duo
1GB 667 MHz DDR2

Any input will be greatly appreciated.
You might want to boot to the installer DVD first and run disk repair to repair any errors and check the integrity of the drive. Hopefully you have a backup.
I actually tried this and reinstalled the OS, but now the computer won't get passed the grey startup screen...

Is there anything else I can do?

When you booted to the installer DVD - did you run Disk Utility to try a Repair Disk? What was the result when you did that?
Actually, no.

I'm unable to get passed anything basically. After the restart of the initial intallation it hasn't gotten passed the grey Mac icon and startup wheel.

It will just stay there for hours.

I ran a hardware test and it says there is nothing found...
You'll need to try a more-capable disk repair program, such as Disk Warrior.
As djackmac suggested - I hope you have a good backup.
No, I didn't. I do have everything backed up.

I'm trying to re-install and if this doesn't work, I'll try to erase everything and try to re-install it again.