Make it stop!


Burned 15 CD's last night on my MBP (early 08) and all went fine. Started up this morning and the SuperDrive won't stop spinning--what a racket!

I've restarted, inserted several cd's, reset NVRAM, blown canned air into slot, opened Toast & quit, clicked eject on keyboard (it's empty), all to no avail! It's stuck 'on' and driving me nuts.

Going to take to shop, but, as this is Labor Day weekend, it'll be Tuesday before it'll be open.

What else can I try to get it to spin down? Frustrated!!!
Just copying (duplicating) picture CD's for a neighbor(done at a store). 2 different CD's--6 each.

Suspect copywrite 'boobytrap'?
Depends. What program did you use to "rip" this movie? If you just one for copied the copyrighted DVD/Blu-Ray the DRM will crash the drive after so long to try to stop REAL DVD Pirates trying to copy for street vending of cheap movie copies.
As I said, I copied PICTURES from a pictures CD done by a store from a private citizen's digital camera. I used Toast 10.

If it matters, I had a few bad burns using 'best' speed (abt. 10x). I set it to 6x, and had no further troubles after that.

IF, as you alluded to, "...the DRM will crash the drive after so long...", what is the solution? Software or hardware?
Sorry to say, that had no effect at all.
The SuperDrive works as well as it always did, BTW.

What are my fans supposed to run at? Both are at, or around 2000rpm. On a hunch that this maybe fans instead, I reset SMC as per Apples directions: shut down, remove power & battery, hold power button 5 seconds(I did 7 or 8), reinsert battery & power, and powerup. No difference at all. :(
If your fans are essentially running at idle speed, why do you suspect that the fans are a problem? If your fans are turning at only 2000 rpm, you would not ordinarily hear the fans, and those would not be related to your issue.
You said that your optical drive is running all the time?
Try the double-insert of the reset process again. Be sure to view the video to make sure that you are completing that correctly. Eject the disk normally after the second insert. If you still hear noise, how do you know that's your optical drive making noise while empty? Is the noise continuous (without change to pitch or duration), or cycling on and off.
"If you still hear noise, how do you know that's your optical drive making noise while empty? Is the noise continuous (without change to pitch or duration), or cycling on and off."

Tried again. NG! Yes continuous, same 'pitch', no cycling.

I'm not positive this is the optical drive--inserting CD starts an whir of another pitch. Apparently not the fans. Ran 'SMART Reporter' to check HD--comes up green.

Only thing I can think of is dirty fans. Possible? What I hear is constant 'whir'--rather loud.
Aha! Now we're cookin!

My right fan will not increase beyond 21-2200 rpms. The noise is on the right side, so that makes sense.

Now, is it dirty, dry, or failing bearing? Shop time Tuesday, I guess. (Will look on OWC or iFixIt to see how to get at them 1st.)
Just finished installing new right fan assembly and all is well! Royal PIA, tons of screws, but all went well.

Thanks to DeltaMac for the help diagnosing, and to PowerbookMedic for the part and video guide.