"Male Dominated" Society?


You are right!! Most men are autistic and just not capable to do more than 1 task a time: very useful for hunting, getting a female and so on.
Being such a brute myself I am still wondering how my wife is capable to endure my whims :rolleyes:
BTW your multichapter article declares you to be feminin?

nope. i used the numbering and lettering to point out what i say (like in science etc ... "male"). the feminine "ovulationally irrational" version would have been without chapters and declaring that i feel this or that for 50 rows each. :rolleyes:
The take home lesson here kids is that there are good reasons men and women are different mentally and physically. This is REQUIRED for the survival of the population. I would never say that one gender is BETTER than the other, but each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Men and women, I think, are designed to compliment one another, not oppose one another. If men and women opposed one another, then the human race would have gone extinct long ago. So it seems that, for the time being, our genetics, behavior, and environmental influences are working well enough together to sustain a human presence on this planet.

For informational purposes, women's brains (EEG waves) do change with their ovulation, sometimes it's more noticeable than others, sometimes it may seem irrational, sometimes it will be displayed in other behaviors, but it WORKS for sustaining the human race. I remember reading about this when I was working at the Medical College of Ohio (http://www.mco.edu/). As for men changing their brainwave patterns, while I personally don't know if there is hard evidence to support my suspicion, I would think that men's brains too would show cyclical patterns associated with the ebb and flow of male hormone concentrations (testostrone). Right when I left that field, there was a lot of qualitative research starting to investigate brainwave patterns using advanced mathematics and statistics. The reason it is known that women's brain wave patterns change every month is because of the markedly visible difference in EEG. There could be equally significant and subtle changes in men's brains waiting to be discovered.
To make an argument that one gender is better over the other is a waste of time. As chemstry_geek said, everyone has their own strengths and weeknesses.

Nervus, please don't make a joke out of autism, it is not funny at all.
Giaguara, I wish I had the time to fully respond to you. Civiization is only skin deep. Why do women heighten the tone of their voice when they ask for things, in particular from men? Because it evokes the protective insticts in men that still reside in us today from the days of life on the savannah. The more protective a male was, the more offspring he could propigate into the gene pool, passing on the protective instint into the sea of information. We're still animals, pigs wearing silk hats, we're not smart, were instict-driven beasts under these suites and ties we wear. The beast is sleeping inside us all, ready to awaken in the times of extremity, this is the time when everything important happens, and the world moves, this is the time when the world changes, and in this time, men are the masters.

I don't mean that men are superior to women per say. What I mean is that this world will never have women in an honestly equal role, and lets be honest, it's mainly because they can't achieve it on their own in competition with men, they can only ever have equality given to them by men. Let's not mince words. Until you're bigger, stronger, tougher, or smarter then men as a whole you can't be equal. Physiologically, you are the violated, and we men are the violators. The very act of sex is a violation of a womans space, and a subliminal power grab. Until you can reverse those facts, those genetics, you're not "equal".

Women are the "helpers" of men, and believe me, we REALLY REALLY appreciate it, we can't be as great as we are without you. The sooner you gals realize that this is the case, and always will be, the better the world will be. Stop fighting against genes.
Well. A typical white (and black and many latins) woman is PHYSICALLY bigger (taller, and weights more) than many oriental (asian) males. THUS they are better? I don't know in what kind of uncivilized pig houses and wearing the silk hats the ohio resided population is but I don't want to waste my time or energy to say anything. While in Rome do as the romans do, I'll keep that on mind if I ever have an urge to go to Ohio.

Remove the "enable img tags" thing from your signature, will you? Or when will you notice that 90 % of the boards here have it allowed anyway.

I did not choose my sex (i would sure not have chosen the one i have), the society i was born (idem), my parents (idem), my appearance or skin color (idem) or the religion the people around me believed. When i was 18 i could officially not be part of any religion, but the rest ... I will for sure choose something i like a bit more in my next life. :rolleyes:
Pigs in silk hats is an analogy to humans living in modern times, we just don't fit. Not yet anyway.

about the IMG tags, I was talking about in the signature itself, which most other boards allow, except this one for some half-ass reason that no one will explain. Kinda like how no one will explain what the fund drive is for exactly when absolutely no improvements are being made and this board takes almost 0 time to maintain.

Hey, why don't you make the white background on your avatar transparent, that would be much cooler, make it a transparent gif.:p
like this:

1. Habilis, there is a whole thread outvoting you on the image tag in signatures issue. Read it again if you've forgotten. (BTW, I've worn plenty of suits, but never any suites. :D)

2. G: you sure seemed to get emotional back there, although considering this is an online forum, it's hard to tell with ASCII text. I mean, 4 large posts in a row speaks worlds to me, even if it's not necessarily the truth.

3. There have been matriarchal societies in the past, though no major ones exist today, else I would probably have heard of them. Historically, most societies have been male dominated, and most still are, and Habilis is right: men have to give women equality. When men run the country, make the rules, and form the law enforcement, women have little say in the matter. Sad but true. Only in the past few decades have men, in the more advanced countries, began relinquishing some of this power to women.
Originally posted by Perseus
Nervus, please don't make a joke out of autism, it is not funny at all.
Just for the record: I certainly did not intend to make a joke out of a psychologic/psychiatric handicap. Perhaps you would care to understand that my remark was aimed at the behaviour of quite a lot of the male population. Maybe the fact that this forum is not in my native language caused erring in the 'correct' choice of words.

Originally posted by arden
3. There have been matriarchal societies in the past, though no major ones exist today, else I would probably have heard of them. Historically, most societies have been male dominated, and most still are

That's because world is still lead by the strongest, not by the smartest. The lack of culture in the population tends to help the strongest to lead his people (usually to total failure), when people will be more educated (all speaking several languages, understanding the basics of philosophy, physics, biology, history, all having had time to learn to understand arts) then the world will be better, smoother and only then women will rule together with men. "Egalité" will not be a discussion anymore, this word will disappear as not required anymore.
Originally posted by arden
Habilis, there is a whole thread outvoting you on the image tag in signatures issue.
There is a whole thread of voters that overlooked the fact that you can turn IMG tags off if they bother you.
Originally posted by arden
I've worn plenty of suits, but never any suites. :D)
ROFL! good call

Originally posted by chemistry_geek
The take home lesson here kids is that there are good reasons men and women are different mentally and physically. This is REQUIRED for the survival of the population. [...]

Men and women are different mentally as they are teached differently. If you are a girl, you should play with other girls the little house or colelct barbies, and if you instead climb to a tree or want some boys toys in the societies where the roles are extremely indicated, it does not work. Take a christmas catalog of kids' gifts and you will see. For girls: plastic ovens and tea sets, barbies, baby dolls, everything pink and fluffy and teddy bears. For boys: plastic gun, remote controlled cars, toys etc, puzzles, more cars and toys and monsters and action figures - that do not correspond to the girly barbies as barbie is supposed to do nothing except be dressed, party, and dream of her wedding with the male un-action figure ken; whereas action figure's purpose is to ACT and not care what he is wearing. That diversion in the background teachings in the toys is not required for survival.

Impossible to see the limits where the culture and other start. Take the kids to an isolation where no adults are seen and where kids are treated equivalently (not given toys according to their sex), and let them grow there - and then see maybe.
Originally posted by arden
2. G: you sure seemed to get emotional back there, although considering this is an online forum, it's hard to tell with ASCII text. I mean, 4 large posts in a row speaks worlds to me, even if it's not necessarily the truth.

Is pissed off emotional? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Giaguara
Men and women are different mentally as they are teached differently. If you are a girl, you should play with other girls the little house or colelct barbies, and if you instead climb to a tree or want some boys toys in the societies where the roles are extremely indicated, it does not work. Take a christmas catalog of kids' gifts and you will see. For girls: plastic ovens and tea sets, barbies, baby dolls, everything pink and fluffy and teddy bears. For boys: plastic gun, remote controlled cars, toys etc, puzzles, more cars and toys and monsters and action figures - that do not correspond to the girly barbies as barbie is supposed to do nothing except be dressed, party, and dream of her wedding with the male un-action figure ken; whereas action figure's purpose is to ACT and not care what he is wearing. That diversion in the background teachings in the toys is not required for survival.

There have been studies on infants and young toddlers. When male and female infants pull on a string and get a reward (some pleasant visual stimulus), the infants smile. When the reward is taken away, the male infant will continue to pull incessantly to try to get the reward. When the female infant pulls the string and doesn't get the reward, she'll pull it for a while longer, give up and scream. I read about this study while taking a "cultural diversity" requirement course just before getting my B.S. in chemistry. Researchers don't know why the male infants keep trudging along, hoping to get the reward again. But it seems that the male doesn't want to give up the endeavor, whereas the female infants became very frustrated. It is also known that as toddlers, males and female are different. Males tend to explore the world more, take more risks, and play harder than female toddlers. Female toddlers tend to be more social where as males tend not to be. My point is that even from a very young age, infants and toddlers seem to have male and female characteristics hard-wired into their brains.

Social condition does play a role in our behavior, but I think that our genetics may be directing our behavior.

I'm not trying to instigate and prolong any arguments, I'm merely stating some facts from previous medical studies. And I'm sorry, but I don't have the links for the studies. Perhaps Google would be useful.
That study where the girl cries, that was hilarious, and a perfect microcosm of adult reality.

Ever wonder why women in positions of power, such as managerial or corporate, wear shoulder pads in their clothes? Are big thick level shoulders an attractive feature in a female body rather then smooth soft and round? I Think not. What the reality behind this phenomenon is, is that it gives femals a more masculine appearance and they can subconsciously convey more power and authority in the male owned world. It's all subliminal and most women don't even know that they're trying to look like a man.
Originally posted by chemistry_geek
There have been studies on infants and young toddlers. When male and female infants pull on a string and get a reward (some pleasant visual stimulus), the infants smile. When the reward is taken away, the male infant will continue to pull incessantly to try to get the reward. When the female infant pulls the string and doesn't get the reward, she'll pull it for a while longer, give up and scream.

Another interpretation to this might be that the Male child is stubborn/stupid enough to try the same strategy over and over again (pulling), whereas the Female child is intelligent enough to try a NEW strategy, screaming, which is a form of communication, asking for help.

THAT's a perfect microcosm of adult reality: Males doing the same stupid thing over and over, females trying something new.
female toddlers probably find out earlier what is their parents breaking line. cry - and get what you want. male toddlers find that out later? as i said, male and female kids are educated differently so males are encouraged to be more aggressive and play "boys games" where the girls trying the same are discouraged "that is soo boy-like" "you make so much noise! try to be a nice girl"
" "girls don't do that!!!" etc.

habilis, you do like smooth soft and round female bodies as opposed to shoulder pads or *simply* as more linear, non-curvy ones? weird that you like any kind of women at all. and me for sure not - swimmers shoulder equipped, more linear than curvy or smooth. at least the low bmi's save from the "irrational behaviour" caused by ovulation. :rolleyes:
a female is not just a curved body.... it's also a brain and a heart. all to be loved.