Giaguara, I wish I had the time to fully respond to you. Civiization is only skin deep. Why do women heighten the tone of their voice when they ask for things, in particular from men? Because it evokes the protective insticts in men that still reside in us today from the days of life on the savannah. The more protective a male was, the more offspring he could propigate into the gene pool, passing on the protective instint into the sea of information. We're still animals, pigs wearing silk hats, we're not smart, were instict-driven beasts under these suites and ties we wear. The beast is sleeping inside us all, ready to awaken in the times of extremity, this is the time when everything important happens, and the world moves, this is the time when the world changes, and in this time, men are the masters.
I don't mean that men are superior to women per say. What I mean is that this world will never have women in an honestly equal role, and lets be honest, it's mainly because they can't achieve it on their own in competition with men, they can only ever have equality given to them by men. Let's not mince words. Until you're bigger, stronger, tougher, or smarter then men as a whole you can't be equal. Physiologically, you are the violated, and we men are the violators. The very act of sex is a violation of a womans space, and a subliminal power grab. Until you can reverse those facts, those genetics, you're not "equal".
Women are the "helpers" of men, and believe me, we REALLY REALLY appreciate it, we can't be as great as we are without you. The sooner you gals realize that this is the case, and always will be, the better the world will be. Stop fighting against genes.