this is a pretty amazing discussion (if you'll call it that). my 2 cents on whats going on...
how about the biological problem of being excited? a female can hide it. a male can't. besides a woman can both think with her brain and be excited on the same time, whereas most men i know are completely unable to use their brain (e.g. understand any spoken language) while they are having sex with anyone else than themselves.
you had a good argument till here. sorry. but your emotions (yes pissed off is emotional. its called anger.) got the best of you.
habilis, your arguments are filled with comments meant to do nothing but piss people off. whether you meant to or not is another issue, but thats what they have become. it makes you sound ignorant. you should probably stop, but thats just my opinion.
let's be frank. men and women are different. we live in a male dominated society. you can make just about every argument as to why that is, but you can rest assured that there is an argument against it. everyone can quote some psych research that shows this or that, but 99% of the time the researchers will also say that these results could be due to any number of factors beyond their measure and control.
here is my stance on the subject. back in the day the men hunted while the women took care of the offspring. this happened because the women had the babies. not necessarilly because the men were stronger or more aggressive. since this organization took place, the men were essentially the ones who went places, saw things, and learned about the world. very important experiences to have. the women were kept at "home" and hence weren't granted with the same experiences.
as people become more advanced technologically and evolutionarily (right word?) this system held its course to a certain extent. it was not until the past couple of hundred years or so that it was even an option for women to get out and "live" so to speak because of the family structure.
society has been evolving throughout history as the family structure has changed and technology has allowed us to do so. it will continue to evolve and it is only a matter of time before you begin to see women leaders doing their jobs with as much respect as their male counterparts.
in closing, the reason some folk think women are the "lesser" sex is because thats how we have been taught. life experiences. thats how you get those sexist opinions. its what you choose to live that makes you rise above. i remember my grandfather referring to certain ethnics groups in a rather ugly manner. am i the same way? no. how many of your relatives/friends bent you to their mold?
in other words, times are a changin, and you'd better get used to it.