MBP wont boot up... HELP!


Alright, here's the background info. Last evening I installed Leopard on my younger brothers Macbook Pro. It gave me an error message at the end of the installation stating something about Xerox Print Drivers, but I ignored and the computer worked fine for the rest of the evening.

Today, it was frozen, so my brother held the power button and shut it down. Upon trying to restart it he encountered this problem...

The Apple grey/white screen with the spinning gear. It won't leave this screen, and will attempt to re-boot itself after several minutes. Only to find out, it's stuck at the same spot as before, grey apple screen and spinning gear.

What I've already tried. I tried to boot from the Leopard CD, but no dice. I stuck it in hoping it would recognize it, it's didn't.

I don't know what else to do, I backed up my own MBP, but not my brothers. He's not concerned with losing data, it's all good. We just would like to get his laptop up and running smoothly with Leopard OS.

What can I do to fix this? It's rather odd, it worked last night and today nothing? I even ran updates and re-booted last night with no problem.

Any help is appreciated!
Have you tried booting your brother's MBPro to the restore DVD that shipped with it? If there's nothing that needs saving, then you can simply do a full erase and restore from that disk..
I've also tried to boot in single user mode, ( apple key + s ), and ran /sbin/fsck -fy command.

The volume Macintosh appears to be OK.

I typed reboot. Nothing new... I'm left with a spinning gear and the grey apple screen. Bummer.

I wanted to add, my Mac OS Leopard disk is in the superdrive.

Why can't I get this thing to boot into Safe Mode?
If you boot into verbose mode, you might find out where it's hanging up.
(apple key + v), gets you the same text screen as single-user, but it continues showing the rest of the services that load as your system boots.

Or, boot to the restore disk, and do an archive & install - but I think you don't have that option after upgrading to Leopard. You may only have Erase and Install - but you already said there's nothing important to save, so that will be your quickest option.
Delta, kudos for the quick response. I really do appreciate it. I've taken your advice and booted the MBP from the leopard disk. I opened disk utility and ran a disk verify. Everything checked out fine, so I decided to erase the disk and once it's finished I will preform a clean install.

This should fix my problems, I'll keep you updated.

Thanks again Delta.