mac shaman
MacLuv - while i haven't the resources to dispute the claims of the authors, it doesn't take much knowledge of hermeneutics to figure out that we shouldn't take statements like these at face value. From the authors own admission, he feels slighted and mistreated by Jobs for not getting his cooperation, especially after his glamorous list of past accomplishments. While i am sure there is an ounce of truth in all the statements that remind us that Jobs is mortal, and a few more ounces of embellishment in all those that would imply he is not, i cannot find anything but antecedol evidence for damning the man.
always consider the source - not too long ago, there were a couple of trolls on this site who felt picked on and mistreated and shouted out about the injustices that were heaped upon them. in fact, you recently felt similarly as i recall. Between these incidents, i have been called many things, including a nazi. I would hope that by now you realize that i am not all those things that i have been accused of. i'm not perfect, but i'm not a monster either.
those who put themselves in the public's eye shall always be targets. those who refuse to play the media's game by the media's rules will be treated harshly by those who wield their pens in judgement. For me to form any kind of real opinion of Steve jobs, or any of these board members, i would need to meet them personally and spend some time around them. that's not likely to happen anytime soon. so the best i have to go on are my media experences with Jobs. When he controls them, he comes off looking like a powerful and charismatic man - charming, bright and the kind of guy you'd like to go on a fishing trip with. When the media controls them, he comes off looking like a geek at best, and more often like an ego driven narcissist. (of course, Bill Gates comes off about the same except i can't imagine going fishing with Bill
). again, i would guess that the real SJ is a little both and more like neither.
but let's get even closer to home, shall we, in considering how we judge others. I have many times perceived you to be egomanical, narcissistic and extremely rude. i've watched you berate others in ways that, had they been standing next to you, you might have seen the anguish and hurt wash over them. there is in fact the chance that you have caused others to be depressed at the way you gloated over them. "Hey, people should have thicker skins than that", i hear you say. maybe, maybe not. but if that is so, then maybe those that you hold up to condemn jobs should have had thicker skins.
actually i can attest that someone recently got very hurt by other's replies to a thread they started. i am sure that no harm was meant and the replies were just playing around. but the person who got hurt was so upset they requested the thread be deleted. I didn't delete it, because i was convinced that all would work out and it did, i believe. But should i have judged the other posters' intentions and character by this person's reactions? especially when i didn't see them as being as damaging as the person who was hurt? Hardly seems fair does it?
But to get back to you - at other times you come off as extremely helpful, knowledgeable and even caring. a regular upstanding member of the community. and in fact, you publicly announced that you are making an effort to be nicer to others. personally i acknowlege your changes, your good intentions and your personal growth effort. Does that mean i suddenly see you as the best guy around here? sorry, it doesn't. But i do see you as a real person, an intelligent person with both functional and dysfunctional character traits. I like you well enough like that. and in the end, i see Jobs like that as well.
there, now that you have seen yourself being perceived as others have perceived Steve, how do you feel? (ok, once you get past being defensive, how do you feel?
always consider the source - not too long ago, there were a couple of trolls on this site who felt picked on and mistreated and shouted out about the injustices that were heaped upon them. in fact, you recently felt similarly as i recall. Between these incidents, i have been called many things, including a nazi. I would hope that by now you realize that i am not all those things that i have been accused of. i'm not perfect, but i'm not a monster either.
those who put themselves in the public's eye shall always be targets. those who refuse to play the media's game by the media's rules will be treated harshly by those who wield their pens in judgement. For me to form any kind of real opinion of Steve jobs, or any of these board members, i would need to meet them personally and spend some time around them. that's not likely to happen anytime soon. so the best i have to go on are my media experences with Jobs. When he controls them, he comes off looking like a powerful and charismatic man - charming, bright and the kind of guy you'd like to go on a fishing trip with. When the media controls them, he comes off looking like a geek at best, and more often like an ego driven narcissist. (of course, Bill Gates comes off about the same except i can't imagine going fishing with Bill

but let's get even closer to home, shall we, in considering how we judge others. I have many times perceived you to be egomanical, narcissistic and extremely rude. i've watched you berate others in ways that, had they been standing next to you, you might have seen the anguish and hurt wash over them. there is in fact the chance that you have caused others to be depressed at the way you gloated over them. "Hey, people should have thicker skins than that", i hear you say. maybe, maybe not. but if that is so, then maybe those that you hold up to condemn jobs should have had thicker skins.
actually i can attest that someone recently got very hurt by other's replies to a thread they started. i am sure that no harm was meant and the replies were just playing around. but the person who got hurt was so upset they requested the thread be deleted. I didn't delete it, because i was convinced that all would work out and it did, i believe. But should i have judged the other posters' intentions and character by this person's reactions? especially when i didn't see them as being as damaging as the person who was hurt? Hardly seems fair does it?
But to get back to you - at other times you come off as extremely helpful, knowledgeable and even caring. a regular upstanding member of the community. and in fact, you publicly announced that you are making an effort to be nicer to others. personally i acknowlege your changes, your good intentions and your personal growth effort. Does that mean i suddenly see you as the best guy around here? sorry, it doesn't. But i do see you as a real person, an intelligent person with both functional and dysfunctional character traits. I like you well enough like that. and in the end, i see Jobs like that as well.
there, now that you have seen yourself being perceived as others have perceived Steve, how do you feel? (ok, once you get past being defensive, how do you feel?