Memorex TravelDrive Problem for Mac?


Has anyone had a problem with the Memorex TravelDrive causing an error message about a power problem when plugged into the USB port on the keyboard,and causing problems with the Mac crashing and freezing the screen which is a static pattern when waking out of sleep mode or powering up?...even after you stopped using the Memorex TravelDrive?
Also this device had difficulty storing files created in AppleWorks word processing programs, but did fine with storing the Text Edit files.
The USB ports on the keyboard should only be used for low-power USB devices, like a mouse or trackball. Data storage devices draw too much power and should be used with a powered hub or connected directly to the back of the computer.

This may or may not be the reason your computer is crashing -- does the computer exhibit the symptoms when you don't use the TravelDrive? If so, try using it with higher-powered USB ports (hub, direct to computer, etc.).
ElDiabloConCaca- Thanks for the information!
I wish I'd known that before.
Yup, the computer still continues to crash without it, I removed it right away.
I've used that keyboard USB port with my digital camera a couple of times before, was that risky? Too much power pulled out of there?
I checked out your website and its very impressive.
I'm not clear- does or does not have to draw power due to having its own battery?
Thanks for your response.
It still draws power, but probably not as much as the TravelDrive does since it has no internal power supply.

It's a good rule of thumb to only use input devices with the ports on the keyboard (graphics tables, mice, etc.) and to use all other USB devices (hard drives, flash drives, printers, scanners, etc.) only in a powered hub or directly connect to the back of the computer.

While I don't think that using high-powered devices in a low-power USB port can cause damage, in reality, I just don't know. I would not do it, simply because of the errors like "[blah blah] is trying to draw too much power from the port" or whatever.
Hey ElDiabloConCaca- thanks for your response, it's so absolutely nice to have total strangers who are willing to help on these daunting computer problems!

Since you're being so kind I'd like to ask ya more:
I plan to run a disk repair program that a friend turned me on to, to see if that stops the crashing, does that seem reasonable?

After that I see no other option than to pack it up and run it up the street to the Apple Store.
I've already created more problems than the original freezing-plaid-static-screen, since I reloaded the 2 software disks that came with my iMac G5.

Turns out, since I upgraded my Panther operating system (via the internet) to a mere decimal point or two higher and then reloaded the 2 software disks that changed it back to the original lower version a new problem happens: Safari and Photoshop will open but the window will not open for either.
I found out on the apple support web site that it was indeed the cause, and the remedy would be to upgrade Panther via internet, yet again.
So- when I tried to remedy my new secondary problem by reloading the newer version of the Panther internet update, I seemed to have trouble getting it. It seemed to be progressing slowly but surely as I saw it say 80% complete and so on...I came back after 8 hours to see the blue scroll bar back to the beginning and the percentage info gone. I suppose I should try again- but I had to give up on it at that point as I needed the phone line.
I'm sorry, I guess I'm practically ranting at this point.:confused:
Sure, which program is the friend telling you to run? If it's got "Norton" or "Symantec" in the name, pass on it and do not run it. If it's Apple's Disk Utility or Diskwarrior or something like that, it could actually help.
Ah yes! Thats it Diskwarrior! I'm at work right now and the program is at home and I couldn't recall it unless I saw the name.
Thanks for giving me more confidence!:D
Hi, I wanted to let you and anyone out there know that some of the iMac G5 computers are having a "recall to repair".
No one on the phone at Apple would tell me this. They even asked me for my serial number and never told me.
I went to an Apple Store and someone there said "I'm not really supposed to tell you this, but...." and told me to go to this site and check my serial number to see if I qualify for free repair. I did indeed. I believe now that it may have been a coincidence that my Memorex TravelDrive appeared to cause the freezing and static screen.
I will never stick it in the USB port in the keyboard again though, thanks for the advice.:cool: