Messed up iMac! HELP!!!!!


Yeah, Androo.
Hello. I started up in os 9.2.2, from 10.2.6, cuz i had to do something in 9. Then, my comp froze, so i restarted, and then it couldn't find a system folder.
I got really angry, since i love my computer, and i NEEED it for things. So I installed os 10.0, and then when trying to boot up into 10.0, when it showed the happy Mac face boot screen, suddenly text appeared. It said it couldn't read the drivers for PowerMac 4.1.
Is there something I can do? I can't install 10.1 or 10.2 since it thinks its already installed. I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY!
Well, i'll keep trying things, but if you have any suggestions or anything, please tell me them.
Thanks so much,

ps. i am on my brother's computer now. I'll check back later, bye :).
Sounds like you tried to install 10.0 on an iMac that's newer than 10.0 (therefore the system doesn't know what to do, You probably have a greatly messed up system now, so, Try to boot to an OS 9 install CD (hopefully 9.1 or 9.2), when you get to the desktop, open your hard drive and drag the 'System' folder (not the 'System Folder') to the trash and empty the trash. Now you will be able to easily reinstall OSX (best be 10.2 if you have it) when your system begins to reboot, and starts you setup, put in the account names and so on exactly as you know they are, and the system install will fix what needs fixing. (First thing after install, run a permissions repair, you know how to do that, right?)
Hmmm... thanks.
I can't boot into os 9 from the cd, or on my HD. I'll try that permissions repair thing.
I'll try to boot into 9 again, maybe it'll work now, thanks.
okay, i booted from an iMac software CD. I am deleting the folder "System" (the os x one). Then i will install 10.0, then 10.1, then 10.2. I only have upgrades :).
Thanks for your help. I hope this works!
I tried this multi-OS X install, update 10.1, update 10.2 - it's a real mess to do. finally purchased Jag full install, I recommend that (cuts about 2 hours on reinstalling 10.2)