There is a good article in the October 2001 issue of Macaddict where they interview members of the Macintosh Business Unit (macbu) at Microsoft. I am not a huge fan of Microsoft, but it does seem as though they have finally "got it" in regards to Mac users.
What they have done, is created the Macbu, and let them govern the Mac versions of their products. They employ 185 "Mac-heads" (by the way, the largest Mac programming department outside of Apple) That do their best to put out really great Mac products. One quote from the article illustrates why there are differences between the two platforms, and why you are likely to see more differences in the future.
"While Office 98 for Mac mirrored Office 97 for Windows in terms of features, Office 2001 boasted massive interface improvements. It included approximately 40 new features not available in the Windows equivalent, and even introduced a so-called new app in the form of Entourage (we like to think of it as Outlook Express with fancy hubcaps.) In fact, the Mac Office division neither consults with nor pays much attention to the Windows Office division, other than making sure file formats are compatible."
Macaddicts are Macaddicts no matter where they work. I never thought i would say it, but i actually enjoy using Microsoft Office, and Explorer for Mac. (I feel so dirty now.)