Microsoft Sues 17 Year Old Over Use of Own Name.

There like Disney, so uptight with their copyrights... but if they want to hold that name, I'm not surprised they did it at all. Doesn't do much for their PR though.
I could understand it if the person's name wasn't so close to the copyrighted trademark, but he obviously works with software/computers and his name works in this case. If the site was bashing Microsoft, I could see it as well, but this just seems kinda lame. Offering him $10 is just a slap in the face from one of the biggest corporations in the world.
Go3iverson said:

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Typical American lawyer bullsh*t. Is that the answer to everything in the USA? Sue them?

It's not like that Mike Rowe (soft) name is spelt the same as Microsoft™ is it! Ain't the USA meant to be the land of the Free, democracy and all that, and yet, if you don't conform, i.e. change your name or else, you'll be sued?

All Mike R. has to do is drop the 'soft' in his URL, but what happen to consumer rights? Copyright and Trademarks are such a fine line issue and so complex it gives me a headache.

At the end of the day, if Mike R. doesn't make a dime directly off the name Microsoft, there's nothing really Microsoft can do...

Note: All instances of Microsoft™ are a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. (Don't want to get sue now do I? Tut)
Well Rowe could've helped himself a bit by not trying to be cute and asking for $10,000. If I were 17 and noticed that Microsoft had taken a negative interest in me, I think I might have consulted someone before making any move against the giant, and it surely doesn't seem like he talked to his parents or a lawyer or anything. It says "'I never even thought of getting anything out of them,' he said, adding that he only asked for the $10,000 because he was 'sort of mad at them for only offering 10 bucks.'" I seriously doubt that anyone would advise him to take that position. It sounds to me like he was just doing it to be a butt, which isn't a smart thing to do.

You can see that no one was actually getting sued until the kid decided to poke the tiger with a stick. While I don't condone Microsoft's actions, and do think it was ugly to offer $10, Rowe should've just quit while he was ahead or gotten some actual legal advice. And if he did....well....hopefully he won't be taking that lawyer to court.
weaselworld said:
Well Rowe could've helped himself a bit by not trying to be cute and asking for $10,000. If I were 17 and noticed that Microsoft had taken a negative interest in me, I think I might have consulted someone before making any move against the giant, and it surely doesn't seem like he talked to his parents or a lawyer or anything. It says "'I never even thought of getting anything out of them,' he said, adding that he only asked for the $10,000 because he was 'sort of mad at them for only offering 10 bucks.'" I seriously doubt that anyone would advise him to take that position. It sounds to me like he was just doing it to be a butt, which isn't a smart thing to do.

You can see that no one was actually getting sued until the kid decided to poke the tiger with a stick. While I don't condone Microsoft's actions, and do think it was ugly to offer $10, Rowe should've just quit while he was ahead or gotten some actual legal advice. And if he did....well....hopefully he won't be taking that lawyer to court.

You are kidding?

They offered him less than the price of registering a domain and hosting. That is an insult.

Poking the tiger with a stick is what my reaction would have been had I been offered $10 for a site that was MY name.
Yeah, but if Microsoft called you and said the domain you purchased was going to be taken away and they'd give you $10 for your time and effort, you'd probably just retort back "more like $10,000,000.00 ha ha ha" sarcastically. I know I would if Microsoft just told me they were taking away my domain for $10.00. I mean, c'mon, are they strapped for cash this month after losing their suit to California? ;)
See this is where you've got something wrong.
if Microsoft called you and said the domain you purchased was going to be taken away and they'd give you $10 for your time and effort

They aren't taking it away. they WANT him to de-register the name or transfer it to them. The problem they have is, no judge in the world is going to tell Mike Rowe he can't have because bill gates is paranoid about the size of his penis.
Go3iverson said:
Yeah, but if Microsoft called you and said the domain you purchased was going to be taken away and they'd give you $10 for your time and effort, you'd probably just retort back "more like $10,000,000.00 ha ha ha" sarcastically. Had I decided by that point to fight one of the largest companies in the world, I'd get the lawyer I'd already hired to write a proper letter stating that the $10 would not be enough to cover the costs of the domain, and politely insisting that more be offered in compensation. Why? Because if you act like a smartass, you're going to piss someone off.

I probably wouldn't even try to fight them in the first place. It's just not something I'd want to get into. Rowe will probably come out more or less on top, as I believe would be considered a parody. The parody issue is so fuzzy that, in the past, most people who've challenged parodies have lost. In the end, though, it's so over the top that it probably wouldn't be a hotly debated issue. Like Pengu said, most judges wouldn't even bother with it. Nonetheless, it's something that I would not want to get myself tangled up in. Court, lawyers, court, court, court.

Unless he actually has something at stake, like a little 17 yr old business or something, then I can't understand why he'd bother with the hassle.
cockneygeezer said:
Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Typical American lawyer bullsh*t. Is that the answer to everything in the USA? Sue them?


see the link, the kid is from BC. :)

*bends topic even further
Definition of a Canadian - an American with health insurance and a gun control law.

*escapes from angry mods

Go3iverson said:
Yeah, but if Microsoft called you and said the domain you purchased was going to be taken away and they'd give you $10 for your time and effort, you'd probably just retort back "more like $10,000,000.00 ha ha ha" sarcastically.

Maybe, but Microwhatever didn't call him on the phone, they sent him a letter, probably a typical "cease and desist" thingy that is not to be taken lightly. Mike Rowe did not behave in a civilized way to Microwhoevers over-civilized action.

Two fouls. No winners
Yeah, I sent him 5 bucks also, it's the least I can do to make me feel a tiny bit less enraged about the whole situation. Everybody send him at least a buck! Come on, its against MS so its worth it.
Oh come now, don't be so hyper-sensitive!

the health insurance thing is a Canadian joke (at least I heard it in Montreal) and a slam of Americans, oops I mean United Statesians ;)

must be all that cold dry air blowing around up there, has folks a little edgy :D