Migrating OS 9 to OS X - Issues



I have a number of issues now that I am attempting to update my really old and crappy MAC system.

Fist, all my files and apps were OS 9 based. Some apps I can get upates for, some I cant. I also cant seem to install OS 9 from the disk - the finder just keeps reminding me that I do not have a classic folder/system... how do I over come this....

Second - what happened to my keyboard... I can no longer use back slashes or forward slashes or question marks, or quotations - it types charaters with accents... where can I tweak this

How to migrate my email - very BIG issue. I was using MS Outlook Express... I cant seem to migrate, as the migration tool inside Mail wants the System 9 / Classic system installed before I can go forward...

Any help would be much appreciated.
As for installing OS 9, you need to boot from the OS 9 install CD to install OS 9. You can't install it from within Mac OS X.
Second... sounds like you may have picked the wrong keyboard layout. From the Apple menu, choose "System preferences..." and click on "International"... check that the Keyboard input is the one you want.

E-mail migration- Outlook Express has been replaced by the We-Want-Your-Money-So-Pay-Up-For-MS-Office program called Entourage. I'm sure once you get that installed, you can import old Outlook mail.
I had all my mail in Outlook and moved to Entourage just fine. I agree, also, with the price assessment adambyte made. :)
Do you have OS 9 System folder on your hard drive? You could boot in OS 9, send the emails to yourself - without getting mail, turn off the get automatic - then boot in OS X and have Mail get your emails.

If you did a format and install of OS X, you have wiped your drive clean and your emails.
Hi Cheryl,

No worries, I made back-ups of all my data before starting this project...

My issue is mostly getting the OS 9.0 onto the HD, I have the disc for OS 9.0, however, I noticed now that for the Classic System - OS X is asking for the OS 9.1 to be installed. Twice I have used the Start-up preference to indicate to start up from the 9.0 disc... no dice, wouldnt boot. So, I dragged the boot system folder onto the OS X HD, and I am trying to apply the 9.1 Update to that... hopefully this will work.

Apparently I can use Eudora 6.1 to bring my email into the modern millenium - I will give this a try this afternoon.

As for my keyboard, I did go to the Internation preference, everything checks out there... but I still can access certain charaters, like anything beyonf letters and numbers, If nyone had a fix for this... that would be appreciated.

So after three days of trying to get my Classic apps to run of the Panther system - I had a brainchild.

I connected my two Macs together via Ethernet, and dropped my existing OS 9.1.2 system onto the Panther system. OS X required to update a few things - but it worked!

I ran into a memory issue on the Classic side while migrating my email over - but so far thats it.

I still am still having issues with the keyboard not able to type all characters. I cannot even depress the sumbers lock key without the Mac squaking! I checked the System Preferences as suggested - and the US/CAN option as selected. I have turned off the other languages. BTW, the keyboard works fine in Classic mode. Go figure.

hehehe..... fixed the keyboard issue.
Quite amusing actually. I live in Canada, so I set my flag [top right hand of he screen] to Canadian. Apparently it's has to be on the US flag for all the keys to work....
Glad you got things fixed with the keyboard. It must be that Canadians do not use the num lock - except you. :)
Heheh! Crazy Canadians! eh? EH? heheheheh.....

Don't worry, it's okay. I love Canadians. Especially Barnaked Ladies.... and Alanis.... whee.
It was definitely a Canadian slant on things. When I called a buddy, he said my keyboard was speaking french to me - and to go back to the US setting, 'cause were damn near American anyway...

It was a good chuckle after all that stress of migrating.
Thanks everyone. We are now productive!