Missing Features in 10.1...

Originally posted by iPenguin
Are there spring loaded folders yet??
There won't be since some people seem to believe that more is not better. It also appear that if the biggest posters in this forum don't use an option, well in means that option shouldn't exist. All this to say, pal, that you should draw a big red cross over that feature... The biggest posters don't use it, you see... :rolleyes:
nope. Not there. I think they should be refined a little before they are re-introduced. They were a little disconcerting when they opened up despite your desires. Maybe holding down a key while hovering a dragged item over a folder.

Oh, and swapping an app to the foreground via speech doesn't bring about the default window behaviour like clicking on it does. But speech generally kicks ass, even on my 233 G3.

Oh, and since they stole the soundjam developers and chained them to iTunes, perhaps iTunes could grow a friggin EQ?!? Soundjam for X was better in it's first beta a year ago than iTunes is now for playing mp3's. I would make my mother use iTunes, but I want soundjam back. The damned thing worked and they time limited the beta and never released another for X. Squashed. That's the kind of 3rd party killing that Apple has done. They used to be better at licensing instead of assimilating. I'd like them to go back to that model. Then I'd still have soundjam, and so would a bunch of other people.

File synch would be nice, I'd like it to work intelligently across a network as a backup solution, which makes me think it's a 3rd party type of product.

Comments mover seems like a utility that someone who knows the filesystem should write. I've given up on them, I don't have the motivation or the experience. I'd rather make a clock, or a RAID5 kExt.
I don't have 10.1 yet so I will post my full report next week. Now........

I could probably agree on the clock thing.
A hard drive does get it's butt kicked if you do that. I didn't know that right away with my PowerBook but I got a nice crash once and the ? disk icon and now my hard drive is noticeably louder. Plus it does take more energay to spin it up and down. It would do you more good to just turn the brightness down. I have a PowerBook G3 Lombard.
Dock Extras I could care less.
The Energy Control stuff maybe kind of half way care. OS X is pretty good with power usage now.
The Inspector (Get Info) is no biggy. It kind of stinks but easy work around is use your brains memory :)
The background thing is just eh not that big of a deal if any.
As of right now none of the other issues really matter.

And the Mail reply address. You ever hear of preferences? Try 'em sometime you'll be amazed.

Plus these features way out those big time........

DVD playback and recording
CD recording
Updated system components.
New Aqua features.

I am probably forgetting things but you get the point.

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you poking fun at me? You're a bigger poster than I am. ;-)

Perhaps Labels could return, but I really don't think they serve a good purpose any more. I stand by my theory that it's good to trim the fat once in a while. If you miss them, my condolences. But I think you'll be among a small crowd at the wake.

And I do apologize if I come off as bitchy. In general, I love you guys, and this OS generally speaking kicks butt. And I'm not about to switch to anything else for my main box. It's just that I have all this pent up energy and aggression, and as long as I can't get my hands on some slimy terrorist with no respect for life and freedom, I'll just continue to be a bit edgy. :-)
Originally posted by theed
Are you poking fun at me? You're a bigger poster than I am. ;-)
Too bad you don't see me rolling on the floor ! I do have my opinions, but I don't hate others when they don't have the same opinion than me. Except you, of course. :p
Perhaps Labels could return, but I really don't think they serve a good purpose any more. I stand by my theory that it's good to trim the fat once in a while. If you miss them, my condolences. But I think you'll be among a small crowd at the wake.
The beauty of Mac OS 9 is that it caters to many different needs without ever forcing anyone to "get in the line". You can work, and the OS works for you. Mac OS X is getting better at this (the public beta released one year ago was terrible in this respect), but it hasn't yet achieved the flexibility of Mac OS 9. (By the way, that doesn't mean that Mac OS X is a bad OS, just that it is not mature yet.)

As for labels... nobody ever forced me to use them. And I can survive without them, of course. But I am a natural color coder : in my office, in my filing cabinet, everywhere around the house and at work, I use color to group things together so as to find them easily and quickly when I need them. My Mac is no different (it's mine, after all !)

At least , in Mac OS X 10.1, we can move the applications in sub-folders without breaking down the OS ! See, there is hope : Mac OS X will get more usable with time... Maybe 10.2 will see "the return of the Label".

Your favorite terrorist... :D
By the way, Apple itself said that Mac OS X 10.0.4 is not Energy Star compliant, not me ! (I have yet to see anything on 10.1) Straight from the horse's mouth :

À propos de la norme ENERGY STAR

Les informations relatives à ENERGY STAR figurant dans le manuel de votre ordinateur s'appliquent aux configurations standard de l'ordinateur sous le système d'exploitation Mac OS 9.

Rough translation :

About the ENERGY STAR standard

Informations pertaining to ENERGY STAR in your computer's manual apply to the standard configurations of the computer running the Mac OS 9 operating system.

Source : iBook Mac OS X addendum leaflet (À lire avant de commencer), F033-1779-A, Apple Computer, 2001.
oooooohhhhhh, bad word!

by the way do they still NOT allow G4's into nations like Iran?

...UM, what was I going to post...

Oh, I never used Lableing in OS9, but I knew people that did..quite a bit, and I could see a use for them in OSX; IT's really all about how well WE can configure our macs to identify US. That is, how can we use them the way we like them...THIS was my first major complaint about OSX, no user configurability. Even though we had the dock, we lost on Pop-up windows in conjunction with 'View as Buttons' to use as a launcher, as well as a very efficent 'Controll Strip'; these things weren't as fancy as the Dock, but they worked well and they worked when WE needed them, and they never got in the way (like the Dock seems to at times). Overall, I love OSX and have gotten used to its features, and I use it everyday, never do I use OS9 unless I have to.

Im sure as time comes we will see a more complete and configurable OSX that will extend far greater than OS9 could ever be.
I liked the labels!!! Sure, one might say just drop the files into a folder if you want to categorize them, but I think it was a cool thing, for example when I made images of CDs to burn, I exactly knew:
Red = VCD
Blue = SVCD
Green = DivX

I could have dropped them into a VCD folder of course...but I didn't because the option of the labes was there.

Wanna know what would be a cool thing in OS X.2 in my opinion? Privilege bound labels! You know, if you label a file as "private", it automaticaly adjusts the privileges so only the current user can open and read/write them. If you labed something as "Project 1", it is immiditealy shared with Users that are part of project 1 (you could configure this in the User tab for example). That would be cool, if you ask me, and would help in offices, for example. Label something with "Important" and when you try to log out, a window tells you which files are still labeled as "Important"...
one of the most annoying things is that OS X.1
cant put itself to sleep,
or wakeup,
or shutdown,
or startup automatically anymore?
Os 9 had it. These are particularly useful as i use my mac as an alarm clock in the morning.:o
Originally posted by profx
one of the most annoying things is that OS X.1
cant put itself to sleep,
or wakeup,
or shutdown,
or startup automatically anymore?
Os 9 had it. These are particularly useful as i use my mac as an alarm clock in the morning.:o
I think the reason is that since Mac OS X is so stable, nobody wants to shutdown their Macs anymore ! Imagine : should you do such a thing, you wouldn't be able to brag about your Mac's uptime ! (The horror ! The hor-ror !) :D