This topic has been brought up before but I would like to reiterate it. OS X does not put out sound, any sound, in several cases. I have heard of this happening on iMacs, Beige G3's(which I have) and with Powerbooks.
I have a:
PowerMac G3(Beige) 300/192Ram/12GB
ATI Nexus 128
External Speakers(sound jack)
One person fixed this problem by rewriting the audio drivers, but that was on a 7200.(Amazingly) Other fixes were turning mute on then off in control panel and using internal speakers only. Anyone got another fix? Apple engineers???
I have a:
PowerMac G3(Beige) 300/192Ram/12GB
ATI Nexus 128
External Speakers(sound jack)
One person fixed this problem by rewriting the audio drivers, but that was on a 7200.(Amazingly) Other fixes were turning mute on then off in control panel and using internal speakers only. Anyone got another fix? Apple engineers???