mouse speed different after replacing batteries


The batteries were dying in my Apple bluetooth mouse, so I popped them out and popped fresh ones in. After waiting for the connection to re-establish I jiggled the mouse around to see if it worked. It worked, but the cursor was moving about twice as fast as it should be. I went into the mouse options pane and realized I was on the second to slowest speed setting. Setting it on the slowest makes it too slow to use, second from lowest makes it too fast to use.

Where did I go wrong? How to fix it?
Yeah, I've shut her down completely and still have the same problem :-/ For what it's worth I also tried removing the batteries and reinstalling them, also with no luck.
Hmmm... strange! Try this: restart and zap your PRAM (instructions available if needed)... then, re-pair the mouse with the computer when it comes back up. It sounds like that initial pairing after installing new batteries may not have gone exactly perfect...
I've tried deleting my bluetooth connection and re-establishing it with no success... any other thoughts? Is there some sort of preference or config file that could have gotten corrupted somewhere?
Zap PRAM: immediately after restarting the machine or booting the machine up, hold down Command-Option-P-R and keep them held down until the machine restarts 3 times. Then release and let the machine boot normally.

Barring that, you might want to try an NVRAM reset: boot into open firmware by holding down Command-Option-O-F immediately after booting. Once in open-firmware, type "reset-nvram" (no quotes) and press enter, then type "reset-all" (no quotes, of course) and press enter.
After all of those steps, still no luck. I went to a friend and tried to pair it with his iBook and noticed the same symptoms (another symptom that I forgot to mention; with the mouse speed set to slow making large fast sweeps with the mouse makes it skip back. At the right speed it skips back enough that 2 seconds of dragging leaves it where it started.)

Being as it has the same problems on another computer I'm thinking that the mouse itself may be messed up. I'll leave the batteries out over night and will try a fresh set in the morning to see if that helps any :-/
Hmmm... just back to basics, but are you sure the new batteries you put in are the correct size and voltage and that one of the batteries isn't inserted partially or backward? Just covering all the bases!
I know that I broke a rule of troubleshooting by changing two variables at once, but after leaving the batteries out all night and then putting in a new set of alkaline (the old were NI-MH) in the morning it seems to work fine now. I'll try recharging the batteries and giving them another go a bit later.

Thanks for all of the help and suggestions. I was this close >-< to buying a Mighty Mouse, but now I guess I'll have to wait for another excuse ;-)

Thanks again,