You need to edit the file /Users/your_name/Library/Preerences/.GlobalPreferences.plist. Once you have that file opened up, scroll down to where it says <key></key> - under it will be a number, probably set at 1.7 (with a bunch of zeros after it). Set that number to whatever you want (be careful - I set mine to 5.2 and it's quite zippy, so don't go crazy and set it real high). Now to get the mouse to actually start moving faster, open up the mouse preferences in System Preferences but don't mess with the settings listed there. Just close it and you'll notice the mouse zipping by MUCH faster.
Just make sure not to adjust any settings in the mouse preferences, otherwise you'll have to do this all over again.
Just as a note - defaults won't let you change this setting, that's why I'm telling y'all to edit it by hand.
Feel free to pass this one on to any boards/lists/whatever you guys frequent. I think it's a rather good one!