
You are a language lover... to me math is another language (as well as C, C++ and even scripting languages) so I suppose that would lend yourself to loving math. Its very funny math always came naturally to me (slept my way through algebra I and II) and now I am so happy now that I code, without math I'd be lost. I know this was talked about in another thread but have you guys seen Pi, that was a great movie!

BTW ok seeeing how data talks and OS 9 the computer talks commands to you, do you think Data is running a MacOS X 1390.1 os?
I did OK (A grade work) through
* Algebra I
* Algebra II
* Trigonometry
* Geometry
* Analytical Geometry
* Linear Algebra

All of the above in High School

In Calculus I and Calculus II it sort of fell apart at the university level. I understood the concepts, its just that I made A LOT of stupid mistakes, thus I lost many points on tests.

I have no problem coding. The good thing with coding is that if you make a stupid mistake the compiler pulls its middle finger out and says "f* u, this dont work" he he ;) Then you know you made a stupid mistake :p

I have seen PI he he, good movie :p

And finally, you lost me on your last BTW :P

Wow, this is pretty amazing...I thought this thread was lost from Star Trek forever. :)

And personally, I believe that Data is running on a supped up version of the Palm OS
PalmOS lol :p
With graffiti HWR :p he he he ;)

I had a math exam today...
I did not study error analysis damn it!
I missed one question

OK b = sin(1/x) / tan(theta).
Would b be more suceptible to change if theta were changed by 10% or if x was changed by 10% ? I said theta since tan(theta) is the divisor and that can do a lot to what b is whether tan(theta) is bigger or smaller.

I have also TOTALLY forgotten how trig functions work so I could not prove my theory ... argh... let me crack a book open and refresh my memory ;-)

I'm gone for one day and we get back to Star Trek?

At UCSD we can substitute Topology for Algebra and Complex Analysis for Real Analysis. I do great at visualizing things, but I am awful at "real" math (my wife does our taxes, that is how bad I am). I'm just not that good at linear thought, but dealing with things spatially seem to come very easy for me (even in high or undefined dimensions). Like Soapvox said, math is a language, and I use it to describe the things I can visualize. The only problem is that I'm not that great with languages (math included). The type of math I do is more akin mental sculpting. I love curves and surfaces, all the same types of things I like in women and cars (that sounds sexist didn't it? My wife knows how much I love her singularities!).

Still, I envy people like you guys who pick up languages so easily. I have problems with english, and have had no luck with any others that I have tried.

As for Data, I don't know what OS his is using, but has anyone else noticed that Prof. Hawking uses "Fred" as his voice? Maybe he is using a Mac.
Hey RacerX...
Have you figured out the formula and the way to graph it so that when you do graph it a picture (or 3D curve therefore) comes out that looks like your wife ??

When I did calculus we played around with curves and 3D stuff getting areas and so on ;)

Math is indeed a language, I just have trouble remembering rules and relations... I need cheat sheets, and even when I do, at a testing environment I get nervous, go crazy, and make stupid mistakes. When I program I can reason, logic, if not this then that, else something else.
As for spoken languages, I have no problem, I flew right by my russian unit exam today... I guess there are different levels of languages he he.

As for you not being able to, we all work in different ways, so it makes sense to supplement one another here, and in real life, where one falls back another helps and vice versa.

As for days I imagined him speaking in the "xylophone" that was hilarious :D

Dang.. I need to get cranking on my CS241 HW... due next thursday!
(Have I mentioned how much I hate C :p )

I don't know about Fred. The thing is, Fred's the same voice that my copy of MadLibs for the Apple IIGS used to use (practically). Ever since I've had a PowerMac, I've always been a Victoria man, myself (although she seems to have some major speech disability in OS X).

Also, I think it's just sort of a mathematician thing to not be able to multiply well. Whenever I would go out to eat with another math friend and our respective girlfriends (there were no female B.S. math majors in my undergrad :(), it was always the girlfriends who calculated the tip.

And when it comes to languages, I love grammar. Can't remember a single word, though.