Moving icons on my desktop?

Whenever I try to move more than 2 icons at once (usually picture files, or movie files it seems) on my desktop to another location (whether it be another folder, or just another area of my desktop), the Finder crashes and restarts. I usually have to move each item one by one... which can get somewhat tedious after a while. Has anyone else experienced this? Do any of you have any idea why it may be doing this? Should I trash the Finder's preference files? My Mac's info is in my sig.

Thank you for any help or solutions you may provide. I apologize if this problem has been asked before and I failed to locate it.
3) Try restarting.

People using OS X these days seem to have a fear of or apprehension against restarting, but it can fix a number of problems.
Thank you dagaz and ElDiabloConCaca.
I tried repairing the permissions, but that didn't help. However, trashing the preference files did. As for restarting, I actually tend to shut down my computer every night, so I figured that wasn't the case for me (the fear of restarting that is). Thanks for you help.
Oh, hehe... UH OH! I'm usually REALLY good about reading the entire thread before I reply, but now I'm turning into one of those people here who just posts without reading and ends up looking like a doofus!

My bad... :p