MP3 player driver


I have just purchased a portable MP3 player. In the instructions, it says it is Mac compatible. Inside the box, there is a small 8cm diameter driver disc. I have an iMac G5 side loading disc player and I am dubious about putting a disc of this size into it. When I connect the players USB lead to my Mac, my Mac it doesn't read it. Can anyone advise if the disc would cause a problem, also, is there by any slim chance, a universal driver available.

Sorry, no other info available, it's 'chinese' manufacture!
You're right in hesitating to insert that disk into your slot-loading drive -- the slot-loading drives are meant to take standard-sized CDs only, and inserting an odd-shaped or smaller-sized disk can damage the drive itself.

Have you checked the manufacturer's website for drivers?
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the only other info I have is that it is a "Monsonic" player. There is an instruction booklet, but no mention of a web site. I have searched the net for "Monsonic" but no joy. Very clever these chinese, lol.