Mr Sprakle!

Dang it, you're right, that is how it usually is. Although, to be honest, I don't know how fixed Japanese is in writing foreign words. I was often given a couple of different spellings.

P.S. AdmiralAK: have you tried getting any Windows Unicode fonts? I think if you do a search on Google, you'll find some, and they work just fine in OS X.
Thanks, testuser--durn funny stuff.

AdmiralAK--this site, if you've never seen it, has some good things to get you started hunting for Unicode fonts in various languages:

...and, although I have to apologize for ranting wildly off topic, I now have to correct myself. The closest transliteration would actually be "Misutaa Supaakuru." (the "u" sound in "ku" gets half-dropped in most Japanese words, so it ends up sounding as close as you can get to a hard K without a vowel in English). Japanese is relatively flexible with foreign words, but there's a fairly standard system for pronouncing English, and this time I'm sure I got it "right". Not that both of the other versions aren't close enough too, but this is "technically" the least wrong.

I now will shut up in shame for my pointless nit-picking.
Thanks for the site :)
I will look into the font, but font are worth jack until there is a keyboard for input :p I wish I knew hot to make one..tired of waiting for apple for A YEAR :p