music store error

Just give it time! This is brand new, there are probably thousands of people on there right now. Be patient! :)
Unless of course you are outside the USA. Just downloaded iTunes4 and it warns me that since I am outside USA, I can't browse the Music Store.

Come on Apple. 47% sales outside USA. We are still waiting for photos from iPhoto. Don't stuff us over music as well.
Could finally get the music store front screen, then got a popup when I logged on with my .mac account saying if i was outside the US blah, blah, blah. Then I got a dozen errors trying to move around and do anything. I realize it's Day One and they're being swamped, maybe, but I would think they'd be prepared for this. Maybe tomorrow...
i live in the UK, so I will wait and try tomorrow whilst the USA plebs are asleep...

If someone does have access, please do a search for "Rebecca - In My Dreams"...
Yep, 504 errors here. I'm outside the USA so guess there's no point trying any further anyway! (probably why it's giving errors - overloaded with Europeans trying to access it!!!!)

I wonder how long before we here of people hacking the system. Someones bound to try.
Well the 504 is hitting me too and I live in the United States. According to the .Mac boards we are not the only ones with the 504 error. I can browse but I can not buy because it will not let me log in (even though I have a valid Apple ID and a .Mac account).

Well we will have to see if this error persists.
I live in Europe, and it seems to work ok, well, at least partially. I can search for songs/artist and even listen to the previews, but when I try to browse the store (as in: click on a link with an artist name, or 'Top Downloads'), iTunes tries to connect but then gives up after a while. Direct searching and listening still works after that though,

Just my 99, ehm, 2 cents,