music store error

Just give it time! This is brand new, there are probably thousands of people on there right now. Be patient! :)
Unless of course you are outside the USA. Just downloaded iTunes4 and it warns me that since I am outside USA, I can't browse the Music Store.

Come on Apple. 47% sales outside USA. We are still waiting for photos from iPhoto. Don't stuff us over music as well.
been waiting for years for "Photos" in iPhoto.

You would thought that they would allow non-USA people to browse at least...
Could finally get the music store front screen, then got a popup when I logged on with my .mac account saying if i was outside the US blah, blah, blah. Then I got a dozen errors trying to move around and do anything. I realize it's Day One and they're being swamped, maybe, but I would think they'd be prepared for this. Maybe tomorrow...
i live in the UK, so I will wait and try tomorrow whilst the USA plebs are asleep...

If someone does have access, please do a search for "Rebecca - In My Dreams"...
Yep, 504 errors here. I'm outside the USA so guess there's no point trying any further anyway! (probably why it's giving errors - overloaded with Europeans trying to access it!!!!)

I wonder how long before we here of people hacking the system. Someones bound to try.
Well the 504 is hitting me too and I live in the United States. According to the .Mac boards we are not the only ones with the 504 error. I can browse but I can not buy because it will not let me log in (even though I have a valid Apple ID and a .Mac account).

Well we will have to see if this error persists.
I live in Europe, and it seems to work ok, well, at least partially. I can search for songs/artist and even listen to the previews, but when I try to browse the store (as in: click on a link with an artist name, or 'Top Downloads'), iTunes tries to connect but then gives up after a while. Direct searching and listening still works after that though,

Just my 99, ehm, 2 cents,