MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

Wow, SimX, you slay me.

Touting Appleworks over Office, blaming a corporation (that's right, not some friendly ma and pa 'company' that smiles when it answers your phone calls, but a corporation whose mandate is, surprise, surprise, to separate you from your money) for 'letting you down', shushing people so that they don't think too loud and make Apple look bad. You 'almost' flew to MWNY to see the LCD iMacs? Wow, good thing for Apple you didn't - would have been a class action suit! And let me guess, you can't understand why Apple doesn't make X for wintel boxes... Hahaha!

Hey, quick, over there, I think I see a dead horse! Why don't you get on and ride awhile?
gak, hostile waters ahead. i hope i can say what i think, rather, hope, will happen in a week, without immature name-calling.

i think the way imac revolutionized the computer world, as such will the imac2 lcd whatever revolutionize the computer world (again). it won't look like an old imac with an lcd screen, rather something we're not even thinking of. something unique, like the detachable screen + stylus concept that was mentioned before. perhaps the imac2 will look like the current lcd monitors, only about 2x the thickness? that would be pretty slick. i think the wireless monitor/keyboard/mouse/everything idea will come, just not any time soon.

but maybe we're too hardware minded. maybe apple is just really excited about the ps7 release, or some other piece of software that will aid X in becoming the greatest OS ever created.

it sure is fun speculating! i'm saving my pennies!

i've got my pass to MWSF, but i don't have the money to book a room/flight. ah well, the pass looks cool, anyway, with my name printed on it and all ^_^.

laters, haters.
=- boi.
Originally posted by KrinkleCut
Wow, SimX, you slay me.

Touting Appleworks over Office

It actually is better.

blaming a corporation (that's right, not some friendly ma and pa 'company' that smiles when it answers your phone calls, but a corporation whose mandate is, surprise, surprise, to separate you from your money) for 'letting you down'

When did I say that? You know, usually you use quotes when you actually quote someone. But who are quoting here? Fill me in, please. Oh, by the way, ma and pa "companies" also want your money. What else would they be in business for?

shushing people so that they don't think too loud and make Apple look bad.

No, so that they don't get their expectations too high. I'm being realistic.

You 'almost' flew to MWNY to see the LCD iMacs? Wow, good thing for Apple you didn't - would have been a class action suit!

Mm, no. Probably not.

And let me guess, you can't understand why Apple doesn't make X for wintel boxes... Hahaha!

No, actually, I know why they don't. Because they make Macs.

Hey, quick, over there, I think I see a dead horse! Why don't you get on and ride awhile?

Nah, that would be pretty gross.

So...... tell me..... exactly what was the point of your rant? Oh, wait... there was none.

Now to get back on topic from that totally idiotic detour that KrinkleCut introduced, if you look on Apple's web page today, it now says "Count the days. Count the minutes. Count on being blown away." Apple sure is hyping this expo.
Dayum! I just was at Apple's website and now it says: "6 days to MacWorld San Francisco. Count the days. Count the minutes. Count on being blown away." It seems like they have somthing really really good here.

well I think Allen and Johnny 5 are going the right way with their ideas and creative thinking. Apple is not going to let us down by mere upgraded products. They've got to have something totally new. And by the way, Allen's idea about that tablet with the mothership and stuff I think is totally possible technology-wise. Not to say that that's what we're going to get, but I think only a creative thinker is going to come close to predicting what kind of treat we're in for in six days. Apple is the most inovative and artistic computer company to ever grace this planet, and when they're hyping something up like this, then I'm sure they're going to deliver.
This is crazy, this is crazy! Apple sure has got something cooking alright, its been a long time since they hyped something so much. They are fixing to blow us away with this new product!
...but I think no one mentionned an major osX update (10.2), as there IS room for improvement (even if it's the BEST OS in the world ).
My guess : both software (sth more exciting than PS7, lots of people don't care) and hardware (something really different, not a mere upgrade, at least a leap) announcements. I won't speculate, some people here (i'm not blaming them :)) have a better imagination.
What about a completely NEW mac? Not a PowerMac, iMac, iBook or PowerBook... just something ELSE? Maybe a mac with built-in LCD display, with an other name? Why should it be an iMac?...

Aah, I can't wait! :D
If they release the G5 the HAVE to release an OS update, everything else is not possible, since the G5 (if it is the G5 Motorola is developing and not the Apollo G4 named G5) is a 64 bit processor and Apple doesn't own a 64 bit OS. That's the problem Intel has at the moment with the Itanium! Great architecture, 64 bit but at the moment, it only runs with a special Intel 64 bit Linux version. So IF they release the true G5, they have to release another OS update. It would be like when the PowerPC was released. There would be apps for the 64 bit OS X and for the 32 bit OS X ;)

Anyway, it's gonna be a big show!

Oh, nearly forgot: Nobody mentioned a possible Quicktime 6, and I am perfectly sure nVidia will introduce a new graphic chipset...
I read somewhere that GeForce4 was indeed scheduled for january. Hey maybe ATI will finally release a mac version of their Radeon8500, and with good drivers too :)
well, i don't think that it's too much to believe that much of the hype may be around the release of third party support for osx!! new hardware, new software and abilites to do things we never have before!! A big, co-ordinated release of true integration would be very big deal I think.

or maybe Bill Gates is going to make a surprise visit and admit that he really loves macs - uses them all the time at home.:D

the G5 would NOT need a total revamp of the OS to 64 bit. It has 32 bit compatibility. It would mean that the G5's power could not be used at full extent from the beginning. I don't know whether this would be possible, but why not recompile *just* the kernel and some stuff for 64 bit with other stuff running 32 bit compatible mode?

but that's not *our* problem, as long as they *do* release the G5. but I must say I'd also embrace Apollo G4s at over 1 GHz. :P ... Bus/RAM speed improvement and GigaWire are more important than the G5 to me at the moment.. The G5 will come any way, be it in January, March or July.

OS 10.2 has been known to be in EARLY development and Apple has *said* that they don't wanna rush OS builds out of the house. Of course that could have been propaganda only, but I don't believe so, so 10.2 is still some time away. And the 'normal' date would be March, not January, so I guess 10.2 will be released at MWNY in July.

The LCD iMac could be the big thing they mean. But then it's gotta really rock.

A PDA? Let's say we *don't* want one, maybe then they'll make one. :) We've wanted a Newton successor all these years and Steve never said 'okay' to it. Not in public, anyway.

What else would be a possibility?

Let's start a rumour here. An expectation they will *not* meet. :)

I heard they're going to release Mac OS X 10.1 for PC Compatibles. A source that wants to stay anonymous confirmed that Apple never stopped churning out builds of Rhapsody for PC Compatbiles internally. The last confirmed build was 5R10, which will be 10.1.3. Apple puts very much energy in building the operating system for both PPC and Intel/AMD processors at the same time. Later PC Compatible builds are said to finally sport the Carbon API, although most applications will need updates. Early beta builds of AppleWorks are still a bit flaky and crash a lot, but this ought to be sorted out by January 7. Apple will release 10.1.3 for PPC via Software Update on January 7, the PC Compatible version will be available from Apple's Online Store the same day, although it won't be delivered until the beginning of February, because packaging can only begin when the build is finalized. The iMac II will be available with G3 processors starting at 900 MHz, the high end configuration however will not be the 1.13 GHz 'Sahara' G3 but rather an AMD XP 1400+, a processor Apple can get at much lower prices than the high end G3. Hmm... And the slogan for the G5 in July? "Yes, there's Mac OS X for PC Compatibles, but the G5 is three times as fast than any 'competitive' chip."
I think apple is talking about something more impressive than speed here. All this talk about G5's is great and stuff, but speed increases happen every six months in this industry. This is going to be something waaayy cooler than just a faster mac.
Originally posted by fryke

the G5 would NOT need a total revamp of the OS to 64 bit. It has 32 bit compatibility. It would mean that the G5's power could not be used at full extent from the beginning. I don't know whether this would be possible, but why not recompile *just* the kernel and some stuff for 64 bit with other stuff running 32 bit compatible mode?

/Of course this would be possible, but why would somebody buy a G5 now? Every sane person would wait till enough 64 bit apps would be available. It's like OS X would not come with classic. 70% of the Mac users would not even now use it.

but that's not *our* problem, as long as they *do* release the G5. but I must say I'd also embrace Apollo G4s at over 1 GHz. :P ... Bus/RAM speed improvement and GigaWire are more important than the G5 to me at the moment.. The G5 will come any way, be it in January, March or July.

/The BUS is the biggest drawback of the G4 at the moment...

OS 10.2 has been known to be in EARLY development and Apple has *said* that they don't wanna rush OS builds out of the house. Of course that could have been propaganda only, but I don't believe so, so 10.2 is still some time away. And the 'normal' date would be March, not January, so I guess 10.2 will be released at MWNY in July.

/ I also don't believe 10.2 will be released. A 64 bit upgrade could easily be done in 10.1.3 ;)

The LCD iMac could be the big thing they mean. But then it's gotta really rock.

/It will come. 100%! I am sure! They will be released! Together with 17'' iMacs as the cheapest model! Anybody wanna take a bet?

A PDA? Let's say we *don't* want one, maybe then they'll make one. :) We've wanted a Newton successor all these years and Steve never said 'okay' to it. Not in public, anyway.

/ would fit into the digital hub idea...

What else would be a possibility?

/From Apple? Everything! It wouldn't surprise me if they carry Osama Bin Laden onto stage and execute him...
Originally posted by fryke
Of course this would be possible, but why would somebody buy a G5 now? Every sane person would wait till enough 64 bit apps would be available. It's like OS X would not come with classic. 70% of the Mac users would not even now use it.

I'd buy it. This happens in the PC world all the time. When Intel released the MMX extensions nothing used it yet. When they released the Pentium III nothing used it's extensions yet. Same with the Pentium IV and AMD's multimedia stuff.

People buy chips like that because the want to "future proof" their machines.

On the other hand, you did say "sane" person. :)
There is a BIG difference between a new instruction set (like MMX) and the jump to 64 bit! Man, 64 bit means new laws! It's like the physical laws of our world change! That's what it's like when you change from 32 to 64 bit!

No offence, but this comparison is so very wrong!

I think Apple has to make clear what it means when a CPU or an OS makes the step to 64 bit so people realize what it means.

Then again of course I know people would buy a G5. Damnit, I would order one the very next day! I have the money saved since the last keynote!
I think "sane" person doesn't translate to us Mac fanatics very well ;)
Ok I'm willing to put forth my guesses, though lamentably it's a shot in the dark...

Speedbumped G4s 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4 ghz
Gigawire will make it's presence known
DDRAM will probably work it's way into then ew systems as well.

Some update for the iPod or a totally new device altogether
Your guess is as good as mine on that front
I doubt it would be a camera despite al lthe fairly convinincing calls for an iPhoto sort of thing. I doubt they'd jump into the PDA market, as much as I'd love to see it, so that doesn't leave me anywhere else to go but to say it'll be a portable iPoddish thing for video using QUICKTIME 6 ... mpeg4 etc.

And of course I think we'll see a flatscreen iMac, most indications do seem to point to it.

Anyway Those are just off the top of my head for them ost part. They don't seem to wild or anything so I'd say there's a realisitc chance of them occuring. Lemme know what you think.
I dont see why no one has mentioned a Intel-based powerpc yet...its seems so feasible...Oh

Ok, so i guess ill say there will be the flatpanel iMac, but i think mabey we will so internal improvents as well like 133mHz ram bus, i doubt we will see a move to DDRAM in apple's lowend desktop.

Gigawire will be a ubiquitous standard all around if we do see it, but im tempted to say we might not see it in the iBook right away.

Im not sure about QT6, cause if they were gonna release that, they would have based FCP3 on it and released 'em at the same time (which would been sweet, but hey what can ya do)

Prolly, hopefully, see a move to DDRAM in the G4(5) series, and most likely with the redesigned MoBo, we will see a much higher RAM-cap, mabey doubled to liek 3gig.

Anyone think we will see a new G4 case design too, i mean when you are on a roll why stop at the iMac...mabey it will be smaller, or something, cause of the redesigned MoBo.

Dont think we will see X.2 because...just because... We cant expect them to pump out new versions that fast, unless they've secretly liek quadrupled their workforce.

I think we will see DVD-R(W) in the highend iMac, or at least be an option. And i think apple may start bundling the iPod with some systems, calling it external, convinient storage.

Ok, enough for now, but I'll be back...