crispy subgenius
Wow, SimX, you slay me.
Touting Appleworks over Office, blaming a corporation (that's right, not some friendly ma and pa 'company' that smiles when it answers your phone calls, but a corporation whose mandate is, surprise, surprise, to separate you from your money) for 'letting you down', shushing people so that they don't think too loud and make Apple look bad. You 'almost' flew to MWNY to see the LCD iMacs? Wow, good thing for Apple you didn't - would have been a class action suit! And let me guess, you can't understand why Apple doesn't make X for wintel boxes... Hahaha!
Hey, quick, over there, I think I see a dead horse! Why don't you get on and ride awhile?
Touting Appleworks over Office, blaming a corporation (that's right, not some friendly ma and pa 'company' that smiles when it answers your phone calls, but a corporation whose mandate is, surprise, surprise, to separate you from your money) for 'letting you down', shushing people so that they don't think too loud and make Apple look bad. You 'almost' flew to MWNY to see the LCD iMacs? Wow, good thing for Apple you didn't - would have been a class action suit! And let me guess, you can't understand why Apple doesn't make X for wintel boxes... Hahaha!
Hey, quick, over there, I think I see a dead horse! Why don't you get on and ride awhile?