MWSF Keynote news, comments, photos, ...

• Apple introduces iPod Shuffle..flash based player. Smaller than most packs of game. Weighs the same as 4 quarters (less than 1 ounce). Volume/Up dow. Simple LED to provide feedback. No display. Either shuffle or album-based playback. USB 2 transfer connector under connector at the bottom. 12-hour rechargeable battery. Mac/PC compatible. Ships with a laynard that connects directly to bottom connector for easy carrying.
Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Volvo and Scion will be introducing iPod adapters for their factory-installed auto stereos in 2005. Alfa Romeo and Ferrari will be doing so as well. Mercedes is an exhibitor at this year's show, and is showing its SLK and CLS models with iPod controls.

Jobs made passing reference to Motorola's forthcoming iTunes-e
Apple is also introducing a line of $29 accessories that include an armband, dock, sports case and 20-hour battery extender. They will be available in the next four weeks.