MWSF - Mixed emotions, really mixed.

Originally posted by vanguard
I'm a computer programmer by trade. At work, I use a high end IBM thinkpad, at home I use it and/or my iBook for surfing the web, working on software/papers for school. (Yeah, lousy sentence structure, I know)

Everyday day at work I drop my thinkpad into the docking station and my monitor comes on, my keyboard and mouse become active, my palm pilot becomes connected, my speakers are active, and my network connection is established (I may have left something out).

Hey Vanguard, how about instead of dropping your thinkpad into a docking station, you walk into the room with your PowerBook? :) I think that's where Apple's headed, don't you?

Looking at the back and sides of my PowerBook -- everything could now be done wirelessly except the monitor and firewire. (could)

Airport or Airport extreme replaces ethernet & dialup modem, bluetooth replaces usb & headphone jack. Your keyboard and mouse would become active, your palm pilot would sync up, your speakers would come online and your network connection would be established. All for less than what a docking station would cost. (OK, maybe not that last part, I don't know since I've never bought a docking station. :)) All you'd have to do is plug in the monitor, and all those cords you used to have to hide would instead be nonexistent. You don't even need a plug-in bluetooth module now.

Whaddya think? Of course, MS is the only one out with a bluetooth keyboard & mouse so far & they claim it won't work on Macs, and I don't know if bluetooth speakers exist yet either, but the technology is there now and Apple is saying: 3rd party people do your thing! Right?

Now if Apple could come up with a wireless display technology the whole dockless wonder would be complete. Anyone know what kind of data rate a VGA/DVI cable transfers at? Is it pixels * colors * refresh rate or something? I know AGP is far too fast for wireless technologies but I'm just talking about from the card to the display. Anybody know?
Ok, I know that the "docking station" line of conversation is slightly off topic, but I can't resist this.

The guys who make BookEndz must be a little chagrined at the new 17" product. Their solution was an elegant, though expensive, one for past powerbooks, if one values a quick hook up to all their key products. Apparently it decreased wear and tear as well, though usb, firewire and dvi are greatly improved in that respect. The iBook model, which had to mount on the side was arguably worse than just pluggin in one's cables. Now the 17" has ports on both (!) sides. I'm sure they will come up with something, but feel a little sorry for them.
Hmmm, maybe rubber strips with connectors that embrace the powerbook and have all the actuall connections in the back.

Ok, will stop and start to make the long trip back to the original topic. See you there.
You can also feel like a real company God making heavenly presentations. PC guys have been making those for years.

I have never seen a good presentation on a PC?Pixeled fonts and vector graphics!:eek: Wait until people start seeing Keynote presentations.
I have never seen a good presentation on a PC

May I call you 'biased' or 'utterly ignorant' on this pont :) ? No offense, sorry, but please be serious. Pixeled fonts are Windows 98 (and OS8, BTW). Vector graphics are very good, I don't see what's wrong with them.

Hewlett Packard came last year to my Institute and their PowerPoint show was tremendous. I have all my lessons of "Economies and Strategies of the Press" as PowerPoint files. They're very honorable presentations, extremely efficient in class.

You can download those lessons on my site at this link:
I was not sure which file I was supposed to check out. I did not see one powerpoint file on the page.

People have not been using Powerpoint on Xp for years! Most places I have seen powerpoint shown out of 98 or Windows 2000. BTW the same has been done with PowerPoint on the Mac. Microsoft even bragged about how PowerPoint looks with Quartz PowerPoint

PowerPoint works, but Keynote goes far beyond it and will create presentations of the highest quality. PC users are just use to getting things done?Mac users want them done right.
On the docking station thing, I could live with just a single cable, the video. I could also live with the decreased performance of 802.11g or even 802.11b. I've never heard of bluetooth speakers but I guess it could happen.

I doubt this will be cheaper than a docking station. My docking station ran about $125. However, it does seem cool.
Originally posted by Gedankenspiel
Stridder, here is where I'm coming from:
I have been a Powerbook owner since the Duos came out and have been on board with pretty much every new generation. The exception were the 400Mhz Powerbook (Wallstreet) and now the endless mini revisions of the Tibooks. I own a 667Mhz TiBook DVI and my point is that so far in my history with Apple I wanted and NEEDED the next Powerbook. Again not this time.
$3300 is hardly a "replacement" of a desktop given that I can buy a pretty dandy Dell for $699 right now. Even a juiced up machine for $2000 doesn't come close to the $3300 the "Replacement" should cost.

To sum it all up:
1. Apple needs to truly innovate. Apple is THE company to produce lifestyle devices like a new ipod / pda / phone / camera hybrid. It has an incredible name and trust from consumers when it comes to quality. So dammit, give us something in that direction.

2. Catch up: I tried to sell my Quicksilver 733Mhz to a friend the other day (bought it 1 1/2 yrs ago) and he laughed at me and said: "No way, for the same money I get a 2.4 Ghz PC". To switchers a 867Mhz machine still looks ridiculous.

So my rant is pretty simple.


Please, don't get me wrong! I love Mac OS X with every fiber of my being...and for having really doesnt do that bad. I just sometimes wish it were a little faster:p