

Apple Avid
wow! my mx700 came about half an hour ago and its amazing. setup was maybe 3 minutes and im VERY pleased. kinda bummed that i had to restart after i installed the logitech software though. i was surprised to see that the back and forward buttons could not be programmed for back/fwd in safari, so i set the keystroke to command left and right. the two top/bottm arrows i set for volume, and the application switcher dtayed default. does anyone else have an mx700, if so, how do you use your customizable buttons?

one last thing: the tracking speed was INSANELY fast, i had to put the tracking to one knob in system prefs.
I have the Cordless Optical Trackman and love it. I prefer trackballs for design work and it's very comfortable once you get over an hour or two of adjusting to using your fingers rather than thumb.
For the button on the trackball panel, I use DejaMenu , which lets me call down the menu from wherever I am, rather than having to scroll up to the menu bar.

On the side, away from the main two scroll buttons, I have one set to open my writing folder, since I usually am writing and plugged into my external keyboard as well (iBook setup with iCurve makes for a nice desktop in itself).
For the other key, I have it to mute, again so I don't have to stop what I'm doing and go to the keyboard.
i use the keyboard a lot, and so now im being counterproductive. i use launchbar, which can basically handle anything. also the keyboard has vol. control and i set my mouse to do volume just because its easy. if im listening to music or playing a game (full screen) i dont have to let go of the controls and decrease or increase the volume, i can just hit a button on the mouse since my hand is already on it.
ok i was thinking about this for a while, and could not come up with an answer. whats the use of the wall adapter that comes with the mx700? the base station plugs into a usb port, and can charge the mouse when you place it in the charger/base station. im assuming that usb power can recharge two batteries, so then why would you need the wall adapter (that plugs into the back of the usb plug)?
I recommend you go download USB Overdrive from versiontracker or wherever. Its a very neat alternative USB driver that allows you to have application specific shortcuts. I've set the thumb buttons (your back/forward) to expose, and i heartily recommend you set one of your buttons to expose, its just too useful.

For safari,i've set the 'cruise" buttons to "open in new tab" and "move to next tab" which makes surfing a bit speedier. On the other hand, in the system those same two buttons launch safari and mail.

Most of the others similarly vary by program. For illustrator i have the two different types of select as buttons, for iTunes i have play/pause and next track etc etc

USB overdrive has an easy interface that makes what each button does pretty obvious (just press the button you want to change and it flashes up selected).

Not sure about the power issue, mine has always been plugged into the wall, but i'd be interested to see it it can work over usb phantom power.

Have fun with your new mouse, its excellent and I'm sure you'll like it. One note though, irritating as it is, its worth keeping another old mouse lying about for those awkward times when your mx700 loses power right in the middle of a work deadline.
spitty27 said:
ok i was thinking about this for a while, and could not come up with an answer. whats the use of the wall adapter that comes with the mx700? the base station plugs into a usb port, and can charge the mouse when you place it in the charger/base station. im assuming that usb power can recharge two batteries, so then why would you need the wall adapter (that plugs into the back of the usb plug)?

Probably in case you don't have a hub and your mouse (or base station) is connected to the keyboard, in which case, the USB port may not be able to supply enough power to the base station to charge the mouse.
I would guess its around a week, though i'm not entirely sure. I guess if i remembered to put it back on its charger every night it wouldn't run out, but i tend to be forgetful about it, and leave it till it runs down.
I have a MX700 and love it. I don't know why you can't use the back/forward buttons in Safari. I've left mine on the default settings and the thumb buttons do back/forward just fine. Heck, that's one of my favorite features. My batteries usually last about a week, but occationally, i'll put it on the stand during the middle of the week and usually remember to charge it up over the weekend (i use mine at work).
fbp_ said:
what logitech software are you guys talking about?

I have an mx900 and cant find anything
My MX700 came with a Software CD that included "Logitec Control Center 1.1 for Mac OSX v.10.1.2 - 10.2.4"

(I'm actually running 10.2.8)
ah, I found that on versiontracker (although for some reason its not on the logitech site) and it doesnt work with the 900. oh well, I dont really need all those buttons I guess...
Logitech makes the best mice...
Anyway I got an MX700 for my desktop and a 500 for my laptop. Very cool and solid design