My computer keeps telling me I am opening an app for the first time

Just recently, my G5 (see complete specs in sig) has started telling me that I am opening an application for the first time when ever I open a file (for instance, if I open a toast disk image, it will tell me I am opening Toast for the first time and it asks me if this is okay). It seems to keep asking however... as if it can't remember that I have already told it that it okay to open the application. It seems it started to do this whenever I deleted another users account on my computer. Any ideas why it does this or how I can help the computer "remember" that I have already opened a particular application?
Thanks, and if you need any clarifications to what I am trying to ask, please tell me.
strange. i dont think mine have ever told me that it was the first time i opened an application. does this also apply to the iLife-applications?
maybe you dont have the permission to chage the prferences folder or it is locked somehow so it doesn't register.
i get it every once in a while, but usually it seems to coincide with me reorganizing my apps into subfolders or something. it only happens once though. its fine the next time.
always a good idea to leave the application folder alone. no sub folders etc. learned that the hard way :)
This dialog box came along with one of the security/OS updates recently (last few months, year or so). It's in response to that trojan horse scare concerning double-clicking an application that appears to be something but is actually something else... like that mp3 file that appeared to be an mp3 but was actually a proof-of-concept application.

It's perfectly normal, and should only do it once for each document type specific to an application (like double-clicking an iMovie file should only bring up the dialog "Blah blah is trying to open Blah for the first time... Proceed?" once -- after that, it shouldn't bring up the dialog for that specific application (iMovie) or document type (iMovie document file) anymore).