My Month With XP.

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Originally posted by hulkaros
And you know what? Is not over because that here are TOO many Mac users but because lusers (aka losers but never users) like yourself you don't have enough positive feelings about your box... Whereas we the Mac Addicts for every argument that you may have about your box, we can EASILY find 2 wrongs for it: That's why we had a Mac in the first place! ;)

I still don't see, first of all, why you can get away with calling me a loser whereas I can't get away with calling you something similar. That's a double-standard.

Secondly, I don't see how I can be a loser. I paid practically nothing for my machine, I get to use Office, Frontpage and play any game I want, the web pages always show correctly for me and my OS doesn't crash. In essence, I saved at least 2000$ from what you would have paid for something similar and in fact my PC is faster than yours.

But I guess of course that it doesn't matter what's logical because you make up your own logic.

I think many of you self-proclaimed 'MacAddicts' need to take a step back into reality. Why try and convince a Windows user that their PC in inferior to your Mac? What's the point? My roommate has an HP PC he got for about $900. It does everything he needs it to and more for under a grand. That's a great buy nomatter where you come from. I, on the other hand, prefer to spend a little more because I personally find Macs to be nicer and less of a hassle.

Is one of us immoral because we use different computers? C'mon, let's drop it already. There's MUCH more to life than arguing about who's computer can do what, how easily and how fast.
Originally posted by themacko
I think many of you self-proclaimed 'MacAddicts' need to take a step back into reality. Why try and convince a Windows user that their PC in inferior to your Mac? What's the point? My roommate has an HP PC he got for about $900. It does everything he needs it to and more for under a grand. That's a great buy nomatter where you come from. I, on the other hand, prefer to spend a little more because I personally find Macs to be nicer and less of a hassle.

Is one of us immoral because we use different computers? C'mon, let's drop it already. There's MUCH more to life than arguing about who's computer can do what, how easily and how fast.

Well said.

i thought this thread was about to die a natural death. Now i am close to helping it along. Too many people are picking up warnings for personal attacks. I really thought a public warning or 2 would settle things down a bit. Believe me, there are no double standards here - just not everybody is being told in public. I hate to be interrupting the thread every 3rd post.

to be clear, attacks upon individuals will be edited and have repercussions. Generalized attacks upon groups will be tolerated to a greater degree. However, such rantings generally tend to reflect more poorly on the poster than upon their targets. This thread has provided us many good examples of that so far.

I suggest all of you read Bubba's outline of how an opinionated discussion should work. You might want to make a copy to study in your spare time - something you all seem to have plenty of.

If you do suddenly find this thread closed, it will be because i would rather not see anyone else lose their site privileges over such a meaningless argument. Certain individuals are walking a very thin line right now. I suggest you take a step back and think before you post next time.
Originally posted by bubbajim
Hulk: There are other forums to have fun in. If you think people are taking your views too seriously, try to say it a different way. You mention you are having fun with Trolls, but if you are reading this thread correctly, I think you will notice that the Troll finger is pointing in your direction. I don't think your a Troll, but right now majority rules and if you would be kind enough to accept some advise and not take it personally, I would recommend that you venture to another forum on this site: Herve's Bar & Grill. That is the place to have fun and play around.

If you feel compelled to bash people in this thread or any other, it just makes YOU look bad, no one else. If you just have nothing to do and just want to flame, that is ok too, just let everyone know you have nothing meaningful to say and only want to say things to hurt or aggrevate others and at least we will know that there is no point in expressing our opinions in this thread.

Again for the people that don't understand what opinions are:

Opinions are an expressed view on any particular subject.

So here is my opinion: Microsoft XP sucks.

I expressed that a product I am using it now and I feel it's unacceptable to my taste. You may disagree with me so you might come back with, "I like Microsoft XP because....". This is how you express different views among other people.

Once you point an opinion to a user, your view is no longer seen as an opinion, but now as a direct attack on that user. Calling people lusers and other insults does not help your credibility. This is how people get labeled as Trolls and Flamers, which I hope you decide not to be (There are too many of these out there as is.)

Hopefully you will read this carefully and accept this advise and that I have no enjoyment of seeing yet another user go off the deep end like MANIC. Just play nice and be kind to others... life is too short, especially for Trolls and Flamers.

...if one nice day while you were reading your superb news & rumors discussion forum you saw on your superb Mac screen something TOTALLY irrelevant which somehow resembles the trash of this world what would you do? Simply you would take out the trash... At least that's what I do when I see trash inside my trash can ;)

At first I was having fun because I thought that someone was trying to have fun with us the NARROW minded Mac people but somehow I see now that maybe they have rights in a forum which they DO not belong in the first place: If a thread which says Mine IS better than yours starts in a News & Rumors discussion and we welcome it what's next: Letting people post porn sites and arguments of a BMW being better than a Land Rover? Or maybe that Pamela Anderson is a mother figure to men... ;)

Anyways, I think that you are pushing it TOO far by black mailing me by using things like "life is too short, especially for Trolls and Flamers"... What's next you will summon a Nazi administrator to kick me out? Yes, I can see now after all these why "they" say that Mac people are NARROW minded...

Note to everybody that read all the above: This is an opinion of mine and I think that I expressed it like I could do anywhere else: TV, newspapers, web sites... Damn EVEN on ANY M$ forums I could expressed these opinions...
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i thought this thread was about to die a natural death. Now i am close to helping it along. Too many people are picking up warnings for personal attacks. I really thought a public warning or 2 would settle things down a bit. Believe me, there are no double standards here - just not everybody is being told in public. I hate to be interrupting the thread every 3rd post.

to be clear, attacks upon individuals will be edited and have repercussions. Generalized attacks upon groups will be tolerated to a greater degree. However, such rantings generally tend to reflect more poorly on the poster than upon their targets. This thread has provided us many good examples of that so far.

I suggest all of you read Bubba's outline of how an opinionated discussion should work. You might want to make a copy to study in your spare time - something you all seem to have plenty of.

If you do suddenly find this thread closed, it will be because i would rather not see anyone else lose their site privileges over such a meaningless argument. Certain individuals are walking a very thin line right now. I suggest you take a step back and think before you post next time.

If it IS "such a meaningless argument" why all the hatred you people? Look isn't anyone really LOGICAL in this forum? Let me say this: If I am the TROLL of all TROLLS and BAD poster here and not some other guys, how come I NEVER replied or posted in this community saying TOTALLY irellevant stuff like those other people posted here in the first place: Since when ANYONE can post Mine is better than yours threads in a Mac News & Rumors Discussion forum? Did I started the thread? Did I posted in the first 2 or pages of this TOTALLY irrelevant thread? No, I started posting when I saw that YOU guys let a REAL troll in here and YES sir I am NOT that troll...
And if you are all that strong and mighty, true, logical and daddy figure in this forum then you must act like one: Bane me out forever or learn how to REALLY figure out the trolls that post irrelevant things in irrelevant places and times too!

And if you want another good example of opinion expressed in a good maner here it is:
Most of you people in this thread you were acting like you are politicians, lawyers, philosophers, etc. instead of REALLY expressing yourselves... After all if I am wrong for saying to a PC guy that he is a loser isn't this what Apple says EVEN on their new ads? So bane Apple from your mindset too because is telling the truth right in their PC faces!

Now what do you think? Did I really said what I wanted to say? Nope! My real feeling about the whole WAR is that I feel sorry for anyone who takes irrelevant BS, in irrelevant space and time :(

Power to the Mac people for being such good people and turn their faces to accept another smack after the first one... ;( Because that's what you want me to accept... Spanking after spanking while all I wanted to do in the first place was to JUST read my News & Rumors :( and not He is Better than Me things...
Quite frankly, this quite ridiculous.

Let's all be honest with each other for a moment and consider the following:

PC's are good machines (if built by good companies, offering good packages). There's nothing wrong with a PC user. PC's offer a lot of personal tailoring to a user, have a vast ocean of software, both shareware and freeware, and are simply very good general-purpose machines.

But PC's also have a big problem with stability, mostly due to Windows and 3rd-party software developers. There's SO much stuff out there that you're bound to run into software freezes and system crashes often enough. Not to mention the plethora of viruses.

Macs are extremely reliable machines, and one of the reasons is because there are very few 3rd-party developers. The OS is very stable and user-friendly. But there aren't too many personal tailoring options.

Those of us who use Macs, though, don't really care for "personal tailoring." We like our machines because they hardly ever crash; the bundled software is amazing; the Apple and 3rd-party software is quite stable; and because they're easy to use. We don't like sitting around nit-picking everything; we like to start the program and finish what we started.

Final Cut Pro is a good example. We start the program, place the files as we like, and let the computer crunch the numbers while we go to work or school or whatever. Sure, PC's do the same things, but they don't offer one of the major (and usually unsaid) realities of Macs: Mac programs are visually pleasing and simple-stupid easy.

Hey, if you're a PC user, good for you. If you're a Mac user, good for you. I use both. Obviously I find Macs a lot better, but PC's are quite handy as well. The fact is that more and more PC users are converting to Macs, because they just want the ease Apple offers. Simple enough.

There's no need to have this "war" amongst ourselves. And, sure, Steve Jobs gives the thumbs-up for those PC-bashing ads, but there are reasons for that. He just doesn't like Bill Gates; he doesn't like PC's. So if he can poke some fun at them he will. Which Mac user didn't like the recent Apple Intel commercials bashing PC's? We laughed. We had a good time. They probably made PC users angry, but so what? You don't think PC users make fun of us Macites?

My friends and I enjoy poking fun at each other about our machines. We know it's just to annoy each other. It's as simple as that. When people take things too seriously they have problems.

In the end, THEY'RE JUST MACHINES. So take it easy. There are better things to fight about.
I find both the OS as good as each other although they both have different qualities some better than the other.
I'm sorry, but this thread *really* doesn't need to be revived. It was getting problematic in its own day, and is sure not one to let a new positive discussion grow... Closed.
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