My new 17" Alumbook Woes


gorilla beta tester
Wednesday I ordered the following:
17" AlumBook
Digi002 Rack
120 GB Firewire Drive
Digi rack bag.

And I was going to pick up all this on Monday configured and ready to go. However I get a call Friday from them (they being the audio specialists I'm buying my rig from) and they are frantic. They had just gotten their hands on a few of the new actual Alumbooks only to find them installed with 10.2.7. and ProTools LE on the 002 would not allocated disc space properly; it would not record. So my order got put on hold and I lamented the notion of waiting even longer to get my new mac.
I decided I could not wait any longer and went to the apple store and bought one last night right before they closed. I walked right up to the display model and as soon as a salesperson approached me I turned to him and said "I'll take one".
I had to have it then, even with the nagging doubt of immediate digi002 compatibility.

So now I have a behemoth that comes with 10.2.7 preinstalled, and the obligatory software install disc.

It is my intention to completely wipe the internal drive, and reinstall 10.2.6.

Can anyone think of any problems this might pose or offer any other thoughts?

BTW this new Alumbook is the shit.;)
Also, I'd call it AlBook or, rather, AluBook. ;-)

10.2.7 is needed on those machines. You won't be able to even install 10.2.6. If you 'move' a 10.2.6 system onto the 17" PB, you might run into several problems, for example missing drivers for the graphics card.

I'd just try ProTools with your machine and wait for either company to update...
Originally posted by fryke
Also, I'd call it AlBook or, rather, AluBook. ;-)
Fits right into Al Gore's sayings

"I invented the internet"
"Laptops are named after me"

I'd rather call it AluBook or aBook...rolls easier off the tounge...
10.2.8 may be the solution. Only problem is that I didn't manage to download it when it was briefly available. I will scrounge the net tonight and see if I can find a copy or someone who did update.

Thing that puzzles me tho about x.2.8 is if they unreleased it because of flaws, when they re-release it, should it not be called x.2.8.2? since it will (in theory) be modified from its original state?
If so, it would be called not .2 ... However, Apple doesn't do that. It would simply be a higher build number, i.e. 6R66 or later, but still 10.2.8.

I kinda hope, though, that Apple will instead release a 10.2.8 6Txx for _ALL_ Macs capable of running Jaguar (G5s, too...), just so history stays clear. ;-) (10.2.7 builds for PowerMac G5 are 6Sxx builds...)
Who knows, they might change it to 10.2.9 by then. ;)

Stizz, your best bet is to wait for it to be re-released, whatever they decide to call it at the time. You might run into one of the bugs that caused them to pull the update, or another bug that didn't factor into their decision. If they pulled it, it's for a reason; I don't get why people feel the need to scrounge for buggy software if it's been recalled.

Voice: Please. AlBook has nothing to do with Al Gore, and it rolls off the tongue just as easily as "album."

I tend to agree with most of what you said. The reason I would feel the need to scrounge for buggy recalled software is because all I really need to work is proper firewire disc allocation with the digi002.
I could patiently wait doing nothing for digi to issue a patch to fix what x.2.7 broke, but I would rather see if I could find a work around. In my profession, work-arounds are valuable commodities. So for instance, if I walk in to the studio today with x.2.8 on my AlumBook, and protools works (records), nobody will care if nothing else works. We can reboot into the x.2.7 partition if we need stability once we are done recording.

Incidentally, I have discovered thus far that the only disc this monster will boot off of is the restore DVD that came with it. Nothing else seems to work.
Don't assume at this point that upgrading to 10.2.8 (bad update or not) will be a fix for your Digi needs! You could perhaps locate someone who has the equip you use, who upgraded to 10.2.8, check to see if that still works. Chances are the publisher will need to issue an update to support 10.2.8 (or continue to wait for Panther, which may be a better choice anyway)
Originally posted by voice-
Fits right into Al Gore's sayings

"I invented the internet"
"Laptops are named after me"

Exactly what you would expect from someone who lists his PC first.

For the last time... Al Gore NEVER said he invented the internet. He was lead senator on the committee that had the foresight to fund the expansion of ARPAnet. Go check the actual quote please and stop repeating Rushisms.
I just found out from a reliable source that the unreleased 10.2.8 fixes my problems. The audio specialists I'm getting my 002Rack from are going to give me a copy. RA!