Mysterious Sharing Problem


I'm going to try to explain this problem to the best of my ability, but being incredibly new to macs (i just got my macbook pro two days ago), I don't know all the lingo, or jargon, or whatnot.

I'll preface this by saying my room-mate and myself both have Macbooks (mine is 17" pro, his is 13" standard) and I have a PC running windows 7. I brought the macbook pro home, everything was working fine. Connected to the network, fine and dandy. Now, my room mate and I both wirelessly connected to the PC in the other room, logged into it remotely, accessed "My Videos" and streamed movies over to our Macbooks. The PC never showed up in "Sharing", we had to access it by going to Finder > Go > Network > Compy (that's the name of the PC).

Now, it seems that suddenly, the PC has completely disappeared from the network. I have hardly touched the PC, if at all it was only to move a movie from one file to another, and I can't imagine that I accidentally flipped a hidden switch somewhere... I've tried numerous solutions, and nothing seems to be working.

I'd be so glad if someone could help me sort this information out. Like I said, I'm new at this, so if you need any more information, just let me know.
Make sure the PC is still connected to the same network (Wifi) as your MacBook, and also,make sure you turn on sharing on your PC.
Plus sharing requires a little trickery thanks to the Microsoft proprietary nature. If you want wireless communication between Leopard and a BETA (that's not finished yet).

1. Are both machines in the same subnet?

2. Are both machines using the same DNS & Time servers?

3. Is file discovery + sharing turned on in in the Windows 7 BETA?

4. In OS X System Preferences->Network, Advanced button, WINS tab set the Window WorkGroup name the windows 7 BETA automatically sets up?

5. Did you turn on SAMBA is the Mac?

Plus I assume you have read the article Sharing files between a Windows Vista Home Edition PC and a Mac running OS X Leopard 10.5. since Windows 7 is just a cleanup of Vista it should be similar.