Need Confirmation


I'm pretty sure that Apple will not introduce a new iPod Tuesday. But to be sure, I just need one more confirmation. So I can buy my new (black 30GB) iPod tomorrow!

So will they NOT introduce a new iPod?
If anyone knows Hebrew, supposedly is claiming Yonah-based laptops and an iPod-branded phone... :rolleyes:
wait, check out all the rumors on tuesday. It looks like it's going to be an interesting year for apple if these rumors are true.

If the Mac mini DVR is true w/ Front row...somebody better keep me away from the apple store :)
Heh... the only confirmation you'll be able to get is when Steve actually introduces the new iPod, or he doesn't. No one knows for sure one way or the other, and asking for confirmation on an Apple product is like asking for confirmation that space aliens exist.

Best advice has already been given: wait two days! ;)
How about you Buy the iPod, don't open it, and if there is a new one, return it. (if you are really all that desperate)
What's the point in buying it and not opening it if you're desperate? You'll still end up not using it for the same amount of time (and it will be worse because you'll be forced to look at the box) and there's always a risk that the shop won't take it back.
They won't release a NEW video iPod, but they MAY improve them. Many people are tipping they will increase the HD space, others think they will add wifi. I think increasing the HD space is the most likely.
TTC: Where did you read that? Or are you talking about users on forums who'd _like_ Apple to add WiFi or increase HD space...? I personally haven't read _any_ reliable rumour about the highend iPod receiving any kind of update this MWSF. There's talk about a shuffle/nano shuffle (pun intended) in that there might come a 1 GB nano and no more 1 GB shuffle, but other than that... Still: Wait, wait, wait. It's only a couple of hours now.
Fryke: umm, I'm not sure to be honest. I've read soooo many rumors about the MacWorld - some reliable, some not - it's hard for me to remember which was which! I'm pretty sure the wifi rumor was an article...or maybe that was bluetooth...bah! damn rumors.
The only iPod related announcements tomorrow would be a new shuffle and if they're doing something new, it'd be an iPhone. I really doubt any other iPod would be updated this soon.