Netscape 7 PR1!!!

I'm using NS 7 right now and so far i like it a lot. I gave some feedback and if they listen to me, then this will be the ultimate browser for macs.

This should be installed out of the box buy apple and the software update should take care of future releases.

They have to work on the classic theme to make it more aqua-ish ... or just make an OS X theme when the final is released!

The mail client and IM is cool, but i'll still use the mac mail client and regular AIM client cuz they have better GUI's ... for now ?:confused:
This is just based on a recent Mozilla build with some extra netscape bloat and less features that AOL doesn't like in mozilla (pop-up blocking etc.)
Originally posted by googolplex
This is just based on a recent Mozilla build with some extra netscape bloat and less features that AOL doesn't like in mozilla (pop-up blocking etc.)

If there is no pop-up blocking, I won't use it.
People on VT seem to like it but I can't see any speed increase or other reason to switch. Here is the review I left on Version Tracker with one star:

What a peice of S**T! This _is_ mozilla, and even keeps my same theme (which is beautiful, check out pinstripe and you shouldn't have troubles with the ugly interface). The only difference is that netscape added it's own bloat and removed my favorite features such as ad blocking. I keep open two browsers 24-7, Mozilla for speed and Omni for everything else (spell checking native in cocoa). Netscape was good once but it has become a monster. If you want to get work done get a real browser, and stop using the mind control tools of Microsoft and AOL. BLECH!
IMHO, if AOL wants Netscape to become a browser used by many people, they need to fix version 6.x.x before they release 7.

Netscape 7 does nothing to fix the speed issues (it is still hella slow), the appearance issues (god damn get that ugly Modern theme out of here), the lack of useful features (pop-up blocking, etc.), and the inclusion of bloatware features (the whole My Sidebar thing is just so totally dumb).

Sorry, but I won't be switching anytime soon, AOL.
For Mozilla or NS? I don't need an integrated mail and newsgroup software. I wish I can install just the browser on Mac OS X like I can do on Windows.
I like Mozilla, but this is a peice of crap. I hate the AOL stuff. They really need to get their act together.
The speed is deffinately there, much faster than IE in many aspects.
The alert windows are very cool, with the Aqua interface in mind. I dont see a reason not to use it.
The start up could be a little faster, but atleast now you dont need to go thru the whole 30 step "first run" setup. :D
I really like the "tabs" in NS7. What would be really cool is if we could save "Window Sets" that has the tabs in it, so we could have all our favorite sites at the click of a tab!
Mozilla has had tabs. I suggest sticking with nightly Mozilla builds since bugs are usually fixed in every build and stability goes up every day. If you use Netscape you're using an outdated buggy Mozilla build with less features, like no popunder blocking.
My main beef with Netscape(and Mozilla) is their arrogant mail-handeling. They insist you use the browser to send mail. I wanna use to send mail, and when I click on a mail I want to recieve it.

But this is a major improvement to NS 6

Back to OmniWeb and Chimera
Well... we re again at the point that peole judge NE by the manufacturer (AOL) and not by the product itself... NE 7 is a HUGE step ahead compared to V.6...and i love it.. that's it..
Is not perfect...but definetly more complete than browser out there...sure it lack some little stuff... but is a preview release... speed... at least for me it's there....someone is complaining... i don't see the reason..looks pretty fast to me..
and..i like the modern theme.. is not thaat UGLY... i think is kinda cool.....but i guess that is only taste.. you can't judge a browaser by your personal thoughts... if you review something.. you sholuld be as objective as possible... and you should not say .. a product is a piece of should justify your opinion with real feed back.. not.... only by the personal feeling of a gui.
Just my 2 cents
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
but i bet you fellas IE 5.5 will blow it away :) Netscape will always be Netscape. With their bloated crud.

And that's different from Microsoft... um, how, exactly?
Look, just use Mozilla, and then everyone will be happy. :D

-the valrus
i'm starting to like this more and more each time i use it. It's more aquaish and with more work, this will be an awesome product. Good that people have bad stuff to say, hopefully netscape hears them and they fix it so no one can say anything.

We're probably gonna see a PR2 then a final product and by then this will be a polished, well engineered product.
Originally posted by BBenve
you can't judge a browaser by your personal thoughts... if you review something.. you sholuld be as objective as possible... and you should not say .. a product is a piece of should justify your opinion with real feed back.. not.... only by the personal feeling of a gui.
Just my 2 cents
Considering that probably 98% of us (or more) are not certified UI analysts, we have nothing else to go by. Opinion on GUI is the only thing that most of us have. The look and feel of the application is a big thing to most people, myself included. I use OmniWeb because I like its look more than any other browser, not because "objectively" it's the best.

So when someone asks you if you like a book, do you immediately go into "Well, the sentences were quite well constructed, and I liked the flow of the paragraphs, but the chapter endings needed to be placed differently"? No, you start with your opinion of the contents. At least, everyone that I have ever met does.

I saw one reference to the fact that NS is made by AOL and therefore must be garbage. So I'm not sure why you've latched on to this particular comment above all others...
I used the AOL one...cause i already made the same thing long time ago with M$ and IE ..most people judge the product by the manucacturer..and this is not an objective way to do a review.. plus.... we have more than a gui.. especially ..cause in a browser... the gui is the least important thing.
I mean sure it plays a role.. but for me the first things are other.. Compatibility (mozillas omniweb and others do their best.. but are way far from great) i go for speed... and most mozilla have that.. i go for support, plug in and stuff like that.. and pretty much everyone now is in a good position considering this last one... last for me is the gui... it is last for 2 reason:
1 well the guy does not increase the quality of the product itself.
2...there's plenty of Skins :)

"you start with your opinion of the contents. At least, everyone that I have ever met does. "
So do I.. but i don t start saying.. well the book has a bad cover..and o god i hate the author.. ....MAN have you seen the publisher???'

well just my 2 cents