Netscape X


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Anybody has downloaded and used Netscape X 6.2 ?

Any good/bad experience ?

What about speed and stability ?
I am a new mac os x user, but i kind of like netscape. I have always been partial to internet explorer, but i like this version of netscape.

You can customize the way it looks by getting different skins. It has only crashed once, and that was when i opened the email client and accidental put the wrong type of mail in. Other than that its pretty stable. Im using a 667 titanium and it just feels a little sluggish at opening. I dont really have any complaints yet.
It's fine and more stable then IE

Page caching is still slower (but not very much) than IE.

Also popping up new window or start a new window is kind of slow.

Other than these I see no problem. I am using it now....
when I click on an email it opens Netscape's maill and itdoes not open

I did not try to see if I could fix this because the launch/open new window delay keeps me from using it anyway. It also does not have the option-click to force a link to download.
If you like NS 6.2 try mozilla 0.9.6. NS 6.2 was based on 0.9.4. moz 0.9.6 is great and it is getting better all the time. There is also a build in the works that uses OS X's unix underpinnings. I've tried one of the experimental builds and it is much faster. Rendering speed is by far faster than any other OS X browser. Mozilla carbon builds right now are also very fast and stable though.
Even though Netscape starts very slowly it has one feature I particularly enjoy, its built-in web editor, called the Composer. It might not be the most powerful web editor available (and it's also extremely slow!) but it works and it's free! I regard this as a very useful feature which other browser companies don't even think about offering... And so far, the Composer is the only editor for X which can process German language "Umlaute" (ä,ü,ö) correctly!
In all fairness must say that Mozilla also has a couple of unique feature that i really like: A Javascript debugger and the ability to turn off popup/under ads.
I used Netscape Preview Release and had bad experiences (plural!). After downloading Netscape 6.2, I've not had any problems whatsoever. For me, it loads web pages faster than any other web browser. I have a Power Mac G3, 500MHz G3 with 768MB RAM and 18GB Ultra SCSI HD. I've heard that Mozilla is better. I downloaded a recent version of it and it was even fastr at loading pages but was unstable. My recommendation is to stay with Netscape 6.2, you shouldn't have any problems.

The mail part of Netscape 6.2 works very well and is stable but has one small problem. The problem is, when people send you multiple pictures as attachments, only the first one is shown in the email window, the others are available in a small window inside the main mail window to save to your desktop or designated folder. That's the only problem with mail I've found. I've never lost any mail using Netscape 6.2. I am probably biased because I've used Netscape products ever since it first came into existence about 10 years ago. When you get used to using a program, one never likes to switch, generally, unless bad experiences happen or a new program is so profoundly rich in necessary features to have. I've always used Netscape Communicator in Mac OS 7, 8, and 9 and like its features and design. I know that Netscape 6.2 was TOTALLY rewritten and will probably take a little time get every bug worked out. I have complete faith in the Netscape team that this will happen.

I now use this netscape mail. It's stable and better organized than Apple mail... but it is also very slow.
I love Netscape 6.2 i am using it now and I just started using its mail becasue i was tired of opening mail and NS 6.2 to get my e-mail and browse the interent.
I have been using Mozilla for since Milestone 6 (June 1999!) - I'm now running 0.9.6. I have found it to be so reliable that i have adopted it as the standard @ work (i'm a Systems Manager & Software Development Manager). I run Windoze XP Pro @ work although i was running NT4 up until a month ago, & use mozilla extensively - I'm always on the net & get around 100 emails a day. -- I have found it consistently more stable then Outlook Express (windows) & Internet Explorer (windows), versions 4/5/5.5/ (& now) 6.0.
Until MacOSX, I have not used it on my G4 @ home, simply because i thought that all of the effort seemed to be going into the Windoze & Linux/Unix versions. i think all of that has now changed. having just upgraded from 0.9.4 @ work, I'm in the process [like right now!] of d/l 0.9.6 @ home for macosx 10.1.1....
ps: I have also tried Netscape 6.0/6.1 but have always found it to be a little more bloated than Mozilla - Mozilla is a more pure browser & doesn't have all of the commercial baggage that Netscape does.... plus i like the idea that i can download the source code & have a hack if i feel in the mood...
the bottom line: I feel as though i can
trust Mozilla, something that i can't say about IE & outlook (on any platform).

ppps: I think that OmniWeb should get a mention - it comes a close second to Mozilla [lynx is 3rd, ie is 9834642nd ;-) ]
Netscape X has been working very well and is considerably faster than OmniWeb when rendering pages, especially long forum pages.
One thing I have noted is that when NS is in the background, and the mouse is clicked, the CPU usage will go to 100%. Just launch CPU monitor or Top in terminal and click the mouse anywhere outside a NS window when it is in the background.
I also like the look and organization of Netscape 6.2 email, and the browser is good too, but it needs so much time to load on my 300 MHz G3. Is Mozilla lighter ?
I prefer Mozilla. It is leaner and faster than NS 6.2, and leaves out "junk" like AOL IM. Its stability is getting better all the time, and it is now my #2 browser behind OmniWeb (and I go with OW primarily for its ability to use Services).
I have been hearing about the experimental Mozilla builds, and plan to download the latest as soon as I get off this effing POS Dell box w/ WinNT, and go home to my beloved OS X.
Wow. Am i the only one who hates Netscape X? 6.1 was cool but 6.2 is so freaking Slow on my machine. maybe i should try re-installing it. Omni web is cool but donest work with some web stuff. IE is the only browser i can use because it works with everything. However it is crashing a lot lately. Geez.

excuse me for a second while i set up my soapbox.

ok. the problem with netscape 6x is that it is AOL. Its use supports one of the biggest rippoffs in the industry. I used netscape for years until aol took over. At one point they were the best to be had. times have changed but people have not which is why aol bought them in the first place. what better way to expand your market base than by buying the resources of those who are opposed to you. and this is just the political arguement for not using it. In practice, it is slow, ugly and ...well its just slow and ugly. It is very stable and will render almost every page coherently. I will use it before i use ie for problem sites. Still it is generally a last resort.
As for mozilla, it is everything people here say it is. But I trashed it from my harddrive when one day i realized i was helping aol develop their next browser for free. Mozilla is the basic foundation of netscape. As Mozilla improves, aol benefits. Maybe if they paid me, but i am not going to help perpetuate the aol myth in any way shape or form otherwise. (and it would have to be big $$$).
so think about it, do you want to support AOL? if you do, then fine, use one of these products. But if not then try to start spending more time on one or more of the new generation browsers. As aol & m$ lose enough of their browser market shares, their revenues will drop thru reduced advertising. Who knows if enough people eventually figure it out, one of today's new browser developers could be buying out aol in 20 years or less.
To sum this up, when you use an aol or m$ product, you are NOT THINKING DIFFERENTLY!!!!! you are supporting the status quo and enabling their power over you. you are reducing yourself to a stastistic. you are putting money in your enemies' pockets. Why? So you can view a page 3 secs faster? so you can conform to the standards they have set for you? So you won't have to spend 2 hours learning a new piece of software? Because you just don't give a....? Just think about your power as an individual and realize that change happens one person at a time. Enough people change, and the whole system changes.
Netscape uses the mozilla source code, but what is wrong with that. Mozilla is a good browser. Microsoft could all of a sudden decide to use the mozilla if they wanted to. The first thing in Mozilla 101 is that mozilla is NOT netscape. If AOL were to go bankrupt mozilla would still exist. If your looking for a browser that makes it so you aren't a "statistic" or helping a big company as you say you should go with mozilla because it doesn't belong to any company.

What do you use Ed? If you use IE then you are being hypocrytical. Opera isn't there yet. icab isn't close and seriously Omniweb isn't there yet either. It may look nice but really it can't do anything. its support of CSS is worse then NS 4 and it can't do much javascript either!

Overall Mozilla is the best. It isn't made by a big overpowering company and it is the fastest, it supports more and it has some really cool features (tabs, link toolbar, IRC client, DOM inspector, password manager, the list goes on). Sure it may not be that pretty, but its power makes up for it.
