excuse me for a second while i set up my soapbox.
ok. the problem with netscape 6x is that it is AOL. Its use supports one of the biggest rippoffs in the industry. I used netscape for years until aol took over. At one point they were the best to be had. times have changed but people have not which is why aol bought them in the first place. what better way to expand your market base than by buying the resources of those who are opposed to you. and this is just the political arguement for not using it. In practice, it is slow, ugly and ...well its just slow and ugly. It is very stable and will render almost every page coherently. I will use it before i use ie for problem sites. Still it is generally a last resort.
As for mozilla, it is everything people here say it is. But I trashed it from my harddrive when one day i realized i was helping aol develop their next browser for free. Mozilla is the basic foundation of netscape. As Mozilla improves, aol benefits. Maybe if they paid me, but i am not going to help perpetuate the aol myth in any way shape or form otherwise. (and it would have to be big $$$).
so think about it, do you want to support AOL? if you do, then fine, use one of these products. But if not then try to start spending more time on one or more of the new generation browsers. As aol & m$ lose enough of their browser market shares, their revenues will drop thru reduced advertising. Who knows if enough people eventually figure it out, one of today's new browser developers could be buying out aol in 20 years or less.
To sum this up, when you use an aol or m$ product, you are NOT THINKING DIFFERENTLY!!!!! you are supporting the status quo and enabling their power over you. you are reducing yourself to a stastistic. you are putting money in your enemies' pockets. Why? So you can view a page 3 secs faster? so you can conform to the standards they have set for you? So you won't have to spend 2 hours learning a new piece of software? Because you just don't give a....? Just think about your power as an individual and realize that change happens one person at a time. Enough people change, and the whole system changes.